The First to Arrive

-Dalen Capital. Afternoon, 2 DSTR-

Lafayette grinned. "The bath was lovely, thank you. I mean no offense, but if I stay again I can do without the help."

Kalena was not sure for a moment what he meant by that. Did he object to someone drawing a bath for him? Then she realized he was speaking of the slave girls being on hand to assist him. Kline had indicated his men would greatly enjoy that particular luxury, but Lafayette obviously possessed a different temperament and sense of personal modesty. “No offence taken,” she replied with understanding. “Being washed by others is one practice among the upper classes that I don't particularly care for either. I'm a girl who likes her privacy. Especially when having a bath.”

At her question about his fencing weapon of choice, Lafayette said, "You can surprise me, fencing I prefer an épée, but you preferred weapon is fine with me. I can use just about anything with a handle and a blade."

“A boast like that demands a demonstration,” Kalena said with a smile.

"I have not fenced with anyone in a non-life or death situation in quite a while. It will be lovely to study you...r fighting style."

“Well, I don't much like épées myself,” she confessed. “I prefer the speed of a sabre. Whether its for fencing or a real fight, they're the best for landing a strike, and the most difficult to block. You can score points, or incapacitate an attacker on the street without needing to be terribly accurate, just fast. If you are quite skilled, naturally intuitive and have very quick reflexes like I do, you're almost unstoppable with a sabre, especially on horseback.” She turned, pointing a finger at Lafayette goodnaturedly. “Now you preferring an épée, that tells me a little something about you, doesn't it? It's not so aggressive as a sabre; it's a slow, more cautious weapon whose use is based a lot more on strategy, planning and psychology.” Her gaze flicked over him, taking in his medium height and build. “Although épéeists are usually tall men like Kline who benefit from having that longer reach, and you're not much taller than I am. You must have a good mind, and be pretty fast to compensate.”

As she spoke in a half-lecturing tone, swordsmanship much like horsemanship being one of the few things at which she could call herself a legitimate expert, Kalena glimpsed a towering figure coming up the front entry way. The enormous green-skinned man was nearly eight feet tall and wore a red and black shirt and black trousers. To most people he would be a fearsome sight, but upon seeing the huge orc a smile spread across her face. Touching Lafayette's arm, she gestured him to quickly follow her as she trotted down to greet the creature.

“Come. There is someone I would like to introduce you.” She then glanced back at the francophone in mild concern. “Do they have orcs in your land? Don't be afraid. This one happens to actually be more civilized than most the humans you will find in Dalen.”

When the three met outside the house, she said in warm greeting: “Gularzob, it is good to see you! I'm glad you were able to come. This is Lafayette. He hails from a distant land across the ocean. And this, Lafayette, is Gularzob Nugbu, the finest blacksmith in the Two kingdoms.” Kalena looked up at the dark clouds for a second, then said, “Let's all go inside. It appears as though we're in for some heavy rain.”

Tag – Kline, Lafayette, Gularzob, and optionally, Lars, Eliza, Isai, and Chiren/Jack, or any other character anybody would like to have received an invitation. I notice we have a couple of new players joined.>

< Prev : Cloaks and Daggers Next > : La Renard / Eliza arrives