Confession and clothes

---- Dalen Capital, Gularzob's Shop. Mid-afternoon, 0 DSTR ----

(OOC – Just at quick question; Would it be allright to assume that you meant Matteo instead of Mattel? I’m just asking because that was the name I was intending to use as Artems “new name” xD )

Artem watched Isai in silence as the man finished his work on the papers. He followed the pen closely with his eyes as it moved across the paper, adding more and more letters. Despite his best effort he couldn’t recognise any of the letters for sure, let alone an entire word. As Isai turned the papers for him to read through he tried to read it once more, but still with no luck. He clenched his fist in frustration as he didn’t want to admit his lack of this probably ordinary skill, but if he didn’t admit it then he wouldn’t have a chance of knowing what the background of his new identity which would be even worse.

Still with his eyes directed at the paper in front of him, Artem was forced to confess. “I cannot read it…” he quietly said with a hint of frustration, only just loud enough for Isai to hear it. In the past he had never been ashamed of this, but with so many literate people around him then he felt a certain urge to prove himself and this certainly wasn’t the way of doing so.

Then, before he had more time to explain, he was cut short by Lars’ voice. He turned around and looked at the mannequins in front of him. The clothes were truly impressive and Artem had no idea of how Lars had been able to finish them so first. It was incredible (and thankfully not pink), but at the same time he found it hard to imagine himself in it. On the other hand, he could easily imagine Winifreds small and elegant figure in that dress. The thought of this even made him loose focus from the more pressing issue of not being able to read. He shook his head slightly before turning to look at his own garments once more. “I think they look fine…” he plainly answered, lacking other words to describe it. The simple black garments really were beautifully made, even quite modern amongst nobles yet not too much to make him stand out dangerously much.

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