
-Dalen Capital, Valade Estate. Evening, 2 DSTR-

Kline stood just outside the door of the guest house. He stood there, taking it all in, looking at the body of Van and the pool of blood under him. The talking around him was just a buzz, a wash of sound he was not processing. A buzzing lost in the sheer volume of noise that was Van’s silence. He could hardly focus on anything else.

He had known Van since he was a boy, he knew his mother, what would he tell her? How could he tell her? Losing a man in combat was one thing, but this, there was no honor in it.

His gut was knotting up, and he felt a mix of rage and fury. Rage at the one who did this, and fury at his own lack of ability to have stopped it. He did not even see it coming.

“Laffy…” Kline finally said. “Go get a priest. We will summon his soul and ask him, and they can then prepare the body.” Kline was not sure what Van would have wanted, but he figures a funeral pyre would be ok with the boy. “Some divination should shine some light on this.”

Laffy nodded and the older man left with haste.

Kline looked at Chiren. “How would you know it was just one assassin?” He studied the man for a moment.

Kline nodded to Herod and then to Froggy, the half infernal who seemed to watch Chiren with caution. “Watch.”

Striding through the doorway, the big man stepped over the chest and to the stairs. Van’s blade was at the top, blood coated it.

Down the hallway one could see the signs of a struggle. Those skilled in fighting might be able to even pick out where the combat started and how it flowed.

Two throwing stars and a throwing dagger with a green silk tail tied to the back of it were lodged in the wood of the walls. The weapons were not local, and an expert eye may pick out where exactly they may have come from, and the planer material they were crafted from.

Kline led the way to his room. A close inspection would find the locks to the room picked, and wards placed to enable silence, still active. Of course, Kline did not notice the ward until he entered the room and all sound was gone.

OOC- sorry, had a another post written but I did not like it and it was harder to rewrite.

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