OOC - Clarifying Shadow

Lily just a note of caution regarding how powerful you make Shadow. At the moment It is becoming a little too "all knowing" for my liking and is trying to solve problems too "conveniently."

Try to recognise the difference between what you know as a writer and what the characters would actually know and see in the game world. And consider some limitations for shadows power. I will always exact a price in game for power. Kespin is half mad, Cali is all kinds of cursed and Tiella... well she is dead and soul bound in Cali's lady parts right now...

Until now shadow has been a being conjured by Luna for the most part, and when he appears on its own It is to protect Luna specifically. Sometimes it's OP but in can work around that with the plot.

If Shadow continues to intervene in the story arc of other characters in such a powerful way it may start to spoil the fun or force me to do some more OOC moderating which I try to avoid in BtR. At the moment he has interrupted Varans planned ambush and I will leave that to play out but just try not to make Shadow quite so "all knowing" moving forward.

On the bright side I love how you are playing Luna of late. The expansion of her past etc in story is really filling out her character well.

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