With All That Has Happened

Kespin watched silently as his mistress brought Tiella’s soul to be bound, scratching his head and chuckling at the oddness of it all.
Perhaps they all would one by one be bound to little trinkets to be used by Cali, only time would tell and the old fool thought it interesting to see it through.
Belting out the last of his sorrow, Erik turned to the camp. He desired to try and comfort Balar, but his legs would not obey his will. Instead the giant sat, tired and beaten for the night.
Come morning, they would leave this wretched place and give Tiella the burial she deserved, Erik fondly remembering several scenic areas if Balar had no where to put her.
Theo had remained in his prison, numb all over and surely suffering frostbite in areas.
What the cold hadn’t numbed was his fury, although several knocks from Balar left him to silently glare. The scene that had played out before him brought no sympathy, the half-elf got what she deserved and if the man had truly loved her, then he deserved to feel his current agony.
As for the witch, she was a foe the likes he had never seen before, very few were necromancers of any degree. To see one traveling with Kespin seemed to be another jest towards Theo, the gods making his task so much more difficult.
Then there was the damned shaman. Once he was free and able to feel his nethers, the man would pay dearly.

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