12: Ni-Bump-ght - Part Two

She arrived at the greenhouse. It was not what she was expecting. HR is Harry. Duh! She couldn't help but notice Ayala was more than a little frustrated with the whole situation. She was glad she didn't have to learn all the other things about modern society as well as dealing with her mutant powers. She waved to Bernice and Ayala as they left.

She walked up to Harry. "Thanks for the charm, I love it. I haven't felt this rested since dying, finally feel like myself again." She pulled it out of her pocket and looked at it for a moment. She put it back in her pocket, planning on turning it into a necklace, assuming drilling a hole in it didn't destroy the magic. "So what's up? Time to plan another midnight romp through town? Mission debrief like in movies and tv? I assume that is a real thing that certain organizations do." She remember she still hadn't finished off the hot sauce, so she finished it off.

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