12: Ni-Bump-ght - Part Two

"I have never fought a spirit. Wouldn't even know how to fight one. They are incorporeal I can't touch them, believe me, I tried." She was very disappointed she couldn't touch that particular ghost. "If it was in a host body I could fight that. I can con...." Jenny's brain caught up to something Harry said. "Wait! Hold up. Ayala, you are from a different time!? Time travel is real!!? There are only 4 million people in the future?" Her mind was blown and a little terrified that the population had dwindled so much. "Was it war? Plague? Meteor? Climate change?" She really hoped it wasn't the last one. She would owe someone a lot of money if it was, not that he could collect anymore, she just didn't want to be in a world where he was right even if he was dead.

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