Food Glorious Food

Gonyaul had never been invited to such an opulent event before. The interior was impressive and he took note of its construction and decoration. He was wide-eyed with wonder at the banquet table. His mouth was already salivating from the delicious aromas filling the air. The people were all well dressed and seemed to be in a jovial mood, a far cry different than the night of the full moon.

Gonyaul was fresh and clean from a bath just before arriving. A scent of lavender and honey still on his skin and hair. His long dark hair was braided into a design that resembled a half-up French braid. His Arisha Ikeburer attire was washed and the staff in laundry were actually able to restore it to some of its former glory having a few more days to work with it. His arm wraps were covered by the long sleeves, which trumpeted out the closer they got to the wrists, of the outfit; normally they are securely tied back. For an event like this though it was more fitting to unveil the sleeves, hiding his arms. If you didn’t know who he really was, you might assume he was a foreign dignitary here as an ambassador.

He decided it best to only speak if spoken to. And he spent his time sampling from as many different things to eat as possible. He kept his portion sizes very small so he was sure to have enough room to try everything at least once. When it came to beverages though he only touched the water.

As he looked around the room, he wondered if the other familiar faces were enjoying themselves too?

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