In Position

JP with Lasersexpanther, mdman and Cindy

Cronk eyed Lady Boss, then the Masked One. He confidently nodded.

Cronk had learned to trust Lady Elizabeth in the field. He had heard of Sasha’s capabilities as a monster hunter, and was certain he could rely upon her.

It wasn’t that Cronk felt insecure. He knew he could muscle his way through any altercation. However, there were situations that pure muscle couldn’t produce the results that the team wanted. So, Cronk was learning to rely upon those skilled in other areas. After all, Cronk enjoyed life, but to enjoy life, one must be alive.

“Cronk ready,” he spoke in a resolved tone.

Sasha nodded in agreement. "I am ready." she said, "Cronk would you be so kind as to carry this crate for me?" she asked. "Don't lift quickly. It's very light despite looking heavy, so you aren't surprised when lifting it." she said, pointing him to the long but thin crate.

Elizabeth led the team outside and towards the cab that was waiting for them. It wasn't parked directly in front of the house but a little down the block. The cab was on the larger side, enough room for the three of them, even Cronk, closer to the size of a van than a car. Upon approaching the cab, it could be seen that the windows were dark so no one could see into them. This was not unusual, as some people wanted privacy or to rest while on a cab ride. It was usually accomplished with shades that could be pulled up when light was desired.

Greeting them on the bus, Marcil was once again driving. "I was wondering if you would be back after the last time." Elizabeth smiled at him. He tipped his hat to the Lady and commented, "This team makes life exciting why would I not want to be here?" "Could you show Cronk where to put the crate?" Elizabeth asked the driver. "Of course, Lady Elizabeth," Marcil replied and did just that. It took no time at all to get the crate and everyone situated. Marcil then addressed everyone in the cab. "I ask that everyone keep the shades pulled as Lady Elizabeth was recognized the last time and it would be best if all of you make it to your destination before having to deal with fighting people."

Being well rested, Cronk found the crate to be no problem. He carried and placed it where directed.

When Marcil discussed not wanting to draw attention to a fight, Cronk shrugged his shoulders. He was becoming accustomed to his part in the team. He hadn’t met the Good Doctor’s alter ego, but Cronk surmised that he and the one they called Big Red could bring down the city.

He realized the need for covertness, so Cronk kept the blinds pulled. He hoped his dockworkers outfit was enough to disguise him from being recognized. He had personally met the evil doctor and others on the team. He had injured a few of them. Hopefully, they wouldn’t come against a magic wielder today.

“Cronk protect Lady Boss and Masked One,” he solemnly swore to Marcil.

Marcil gave a slight nod to the Orc. "Cronk, I do know the two ladies are in good hands."

With everyone on board, they set out. Elizabeth had a small pistol, which she knew well, in one pocket. So, she spent time going over what each grenade did. Her hands were fortunately not so much larger than a gnomes that shooting the small hand cannon would be a problem.

By the time the cab stopped, Elizabeth had chosen, which grenade to load and proceeded to do so without issue. Making sure the safety was on, she put back in her pocket and said to the Sasha and Cronk, "Let's go."

Sasha likewise checked her small arm. Rotating the cylinder to make sure all chambers were loaded before sliding the hand sized pistol back into her coats inner pocket. "Je suis prêt." Sasha said, being the first to hop out of the cab and in a flash and with the grace of a black cat she ducked into the near by alley way and was gone from sight, awaiting Cronk to bring the crate and lift ther to the roof top.

Sasha likewise checked her small arm. Rotating the cylinder to make sure all chambers were loaded before sliding the hand sized pistol back into her coats inner pocket. "Je suis prêt." Sasha said, being the first to hop out of the cab and in a flash and with the grace of a black cat she ducked into the near by alley way and was gone from sight, awaiting Cronk to bring the crate and lift ther to the roof top.

Cronk’s steps were more deliberate. The crate was light, but he didn’t want to make a misstep into a hole n the cobbles or step ion something tossed aside and trip.

He tried to whistle, but for some reason the aire blowing through his lips just wouldn’t cooperate. He settled for humming a Norwegian tune that he used to sing with the guys at the local pub when he was a teen. Inwardly, Cronk laughed at some of the limericks that Quinn had taught him. He missed Quinn, but was feeling more at home with his new team.

Cronk caught up with the Masked One, not immediately seeing her. He was certain she was near. This was the planned building. Gently putting the crate down, Cronk pretended to wipe sweat from his brow as if the crate were heavy and glanced about him.

Elizabeth waited until Sasha and Cronk were on their way then set off to her own destination. Before getting there she arrived in a secluded area and ducked out of sight, making herself invisible to the eye before proceeding to the area she would hide in, close to the meeting spot behind some bushes.

Sasha darted out of the shadow of an alcove with Cronk blocking the mouth of the alley she popped the crate open and took out three pieces of her rifle and quickly assembled the. "Cronk, would you kindly give me a hand up?" She asked pointing to the roof lip above them.

Cronk looked to Sasha and raised a hand in the air. Then he followed those eyes from behind the mask looking upward.

“Oh, you mean a [i]hand up[/i{!!” he chuckled.

Grasping Sasha about the waist, Cronk easily lifted her over his head, sitting her down upon his shoulders. The shoulders provided ample space for a young lady to sit and feel comfortable.

Cronk realized when he did this that much of the Masked One’s feminine form was hidden beneath what she chose to wear. Or, maybe he hadn’t noticed, being infatuated with Pretty Flower. Sasha could be a looker if she chose to be. He imagined that in her profession, it was best not to draw attention to oneself.

Taking his left hand, Cronk braced her backside and lifted her toward the roof. Maybe not too appropriate, but it got the job done. He grinned upward as Sasha scenes over the wall and onto the roof.

Sasha had expected to be lifted by the big guy cupping his hands as a step then lifting, but rather she was grabbed at the waist, a small bit of pain in her ribs as he did, but that was to be expected, when she'd grabbed the lip of the roof and started to pull her self up she felt his hand form a seat under her backside shoving her the rest of the way. She had to stifle a yelp being caught of guard and being nearly tossed onto the roof.

Before vanishing under her sheet covering she gave Cronk a nod. "Keep an eye out for the butler." She told him.

Cronk looked about, then made himself look busy by placing the lid back onto the crate. He hoped he saw Sokritis too. He’d do more than break the man’s legs.

After the lid was in place, Cronk sighed at the trashed alleyway. He began to pick up and place this in a pile. Maybe, if he were to burn it, people might get the idea of the importance of cleanliness. Every now and then, Cronk would look about, as if searching for more trash, but in truth was looking for the evil butler and Doctor.

Elizabeth stayed behind the bush, she had seen a few people going towards the entrance which led underground, some guards but no sign of Lamaire, Baddington or Staniadis.

< Prev : Headed out Next > : Arrival At The Meeting