Spirits On The Bus

JP with Redsword, Omni and Cindy

Dumont had had little sleep the night before. He turned his glance away from his pocket watch. Rubbing his eyes and yawning, his attention drifted slowly to the docteur, the man behind this whole mess of things. If Dumont didn't know any better, he may have mistaken the man's despondence for boredom. It was clear, however, from the man's demeanor over the last two days, that he was in low spirits, the result of having learned a hard lesson and now suffering the consequences of his mistakes. Regardless... Dumont couldn't play the violin for him. He had little pity for a man's hubris.

Turning to Lady Ellington, Dumont cleared his throat, "Lady Elizabeth. Might I make a request about my accommodations?"

Elizabeth had been reading and rereading the events of yesterday as per Sasha's accounts. Trying to think of how to approach the incident to the Baron. The man was not going to be happy and it would fall on Elizabeth. After all, Baron Greenwood all ready knew about Dr. Jackal and his other side. It was in Elizabeth that the doctor had been sent out into public

The clearing of Dumont’s throat brought Elizabeth out of her thoughts. "By all means, Mr. Dumont. What is it I can help you with?"

"Pardon, but... my quarters were unnaturally cold last night and I'm afraid I was terribly uncomfortable... I had trouble sleeping due to this. Also, the room seems to be in need of better... euh... fixtures??? Wall hangings? An art piece fell from the wall giving me quite a fright." he explained.

Elizabeth slightly raised a brow. That was the feeling she had every time Dumont was around. "I am sorry you had such a night but..." how to broach this subject... "I believe your problems might stem from something other than improper heating or art work not being hung properly. Did anything else odd happen in your room yesterday?"

Dumont thought for a moment. "Quoi... As a matter of fact... there were some strange things... The window seemed to open of its own accord, but I assumed it must be a draft... euh... et... I found this..." he showed her the braid of hair affixed to his pocket watch. "it had somehow come off of my watch and fell onto the floor, but... I do not recall taking the watch from my pocket since before I entered. What do you think? Coincidence, non?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "No I do not believe those were mere coincidences."

Elizabeth removed her broach, as it was warded from her seeing spirits.

She handed it to Mr. Sung and then looked at Dumont.

"Did you know one of my realms of magic is spirit? " Elizabeth closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them. It was definite. "You have a spirit attached to you. As far as I can tell he is benevolent."

"Cieux! A spirit?" his eyes went wide as he was slightly taken aback, but it was not altogether surprising as he had considered the thought. "Non, I was not aware that you had the realm of spirits." He already thought he knew exactly whose spirit it was, but he asked anyway, "Can you tell who this is?"

Elizabeth nodded and looked towards the spirit, a gnome, male with redish blonde hair, beard, blue eyes. Elizabeth had read the files repeatedly of the last team, and while the Eldren had never met this gnome, she certainly knew who it was. "It is Gemma's brother - Ansil."

As formal as Elizabeth usually was, she knew from past experiences spirits weren't much on formality. Most tended to go by first names only and did not care for things such as Mr or Miss before it.

Dumont's eyes softened and he looked around to see if he could see or sense the ghost. He couldn't.

"That is regretful... he was a good friend." Dumont sighed and scratched an eyebrow. "He is trying to communicate, non? What can be done?"

"We can have a seance. I can use myself as a vessel so he can communicate through me. That way you can find out what he wants." Elizabeth thought for a moment. "Maybe, inviting Miss Gemma would be a good idea as well. Do you think you could get her to come to something like that?"

Dumont sat up straight, still taking it all in. "I do not know..." he began, uncertainly. "I will talk it over with her. It might be a... difficult subject, you understand."

"I do understand. If not it would be understandable. The seance can be done without her, if necessary." Elizabeth explained. "Or I can just communicate with him but that would have to be tonight, in a quieter setting."

“Of course… of course. We shall see. But in the meantime… we are not in any… euh… danger? Or ill fortune? With his spirit around?” Dumont wondered aloud. He licked his lips and swallowed nervously.

"No, benevolent spirits don't bring about ill fortune. They can open the way for other spirits but I have not sensed those. I will check the house tonight just to be certain." Elizabeth glanced around there weren't any other spirits on the bus, but that didn't surprise her as the bus was fairly new.

He nodded, his mouth pressed into a line. "Very well... That's... Good to know. Thank you, Lady. For helping to clear this up. I thought maybe I was going mad."

The nervousness let up and he felt more comfortable knowing that it was the spirit of a friend and that he was benevolent. Dumont wondered if Ansil's spirit could think and feel the same as if he were alive. Was he aware he was dead?

"It is my pleasure. Spirit is not a realm I get to use as much as the other. I do enjoy when I have a chance to do so, especially if that spirit is benevolent." Elizabeth retrieved her broach and thanked Sung for holding it. Then turned her attention back to Dumont. "Spirits can have a lot of reasons as to why they linger in the mortal realm but if it helps any, he does not appear to be in any distress."

"I see. C'est bon." He visibly relaxed in his seat and reached into his overcoat for his cigarette case and offered one to Lady Elizabeth and Mr Sung. "Cigarette?"

Mr Sung sat back watching Lady Elizabeth work he was always proud of her and what she could do. "No thank you, Mr. Dumont. " I can not see spirits just the flow of magic around them, like looking at someone in heavy fog," commented Sung.

Dumont offered a cigarette and Elizabeth shook her head. "No thank you." She had tried cigarettes once in boarding school but was not a fan of them, despite smoking being very popular.

“Et vous, Docteur Jackal?” Dumont offered him the same.

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