Crow Informants

Johnathan’s Barn - Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

The barn slowly stirred with the first light of dawn, Luna's soft nickering signaling the beginning of a new day. Peekaboo, the small white mouse, was already up and about, her tiny paws padding across the straw-strewn floor. Luna, ever patient, lay in her stall, eyes focused on the sleeping form of Perrine, who lay against her warm flank.

The interior of the barn, bathed in the gentle glow of dawn, held a rustic charm. The scent of hay lingered in the air, and the straw-strewn floor crunched beneath their movements. Wooden beams overhead cast intricate patterns of shadows and light.

Peekaboo scampered across the rafters, her tiny silhouette weaving through the gaps. Luna, having detected Perrine's stirring, let out a low whinny, her breath visible in the cool morning air.

As Perrine gradually awakened, the usual morning rituals unfolded. Luna shifted in her stall, stretching her powerful limbs. Peekaboo, having explored every nook and cranny, perched on a beam and observed the scene below. Whisp, the barn owl, remained peacefully asleep in the rafters, undisturbed by the morning commotion.

Perrine, the last to rise, slowly pushed himself up from Luna's side. His deep eyes scanned the barn's interior as he gathered his belongings. Luna, sensing the impending departure, nudged him gently with her muzzle.

The peaceful atmosphere was disrupted by the arrival of a murder of crows. They cawed in a coordinated manner, catching Perrine's attention. Their avian language conveyed a message of urgency. This was a commonplace, these crowd and Perrine had struck up a bargain almost seven months ago to the day. They collect information about the area he is in each day and report it to him. In return he provides them with food as payment. As Perrine listened, their report unfolded, revealing a disturbing incident involving individuals which sounded a lot like Malik, Sophia, Lydia and Honey the wolf.

Perrine's expression remained stoic as the crows recounted the events. Malik's predatory actions had been thwarted by Honey, but the situation had taken a tragic turn. The crows spoke of Malik's demise, self-inflicted in the presence of an aggressive young girl.

As the crows dispersed upon payment, Perrine absorbed the information in silence. The weight of the news hung in the air, a reminder of the dangers that lingered in this post-Rupture world. It reinforced his reluctance to stay in one place for too long.

With a purposeful air, Perrine checked their supplies, ensuring everything was in order. He communicated with Luna and Peekaboo in the language they shared, orchestrating their departure. The barn, once a temporary haven, began to empty as the trio prepared to embark on another leg of their journey, leaving behind the echoes of a troubled morning.

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