As you sow...

It's all my fault
Everything's my fault

"Seymour, Brittany is evil" Jay said "She is one of the most dangerous people in the universe...ever since she came back from the dead, she's been nothing but a menace..."
"And yet, YOU worked for all did!" he gestured to the other enforcers and Phil as he said this.
"Unknowingly. Now get out of my way..."
"NO!" Seymour yelled, grabbing a gun off Davies belt and aiming it at Jay. "It is my duty to protect her majesty! No-one, is going anywhere!"

In the silence that followed, Davie glowered down at Seymour in his wheelchair
"Do you want me to disarm him or kill him?" he rumbled menacingly
"You will do no such thing!" Seymour yelled shrilly, firing a warning shot into the ceiling and showering himself with dust
"Seymour!" Jay barked, as the weapon was shakily aimed back towards him "Would you pack it in!?"
"I'll not let you or anyone here harm her Majesty!" Seymour shouted back "Now would you all just be jolly good prisoners, and lie down on the floor for me while I get the scutters to handcuff you?"
"Oh, piss off Seymour, you haven't got a let to stand on!" Katrina sneered, to much snickering from her comrades
"And I'll have less of that lip from you, young lady!" Seymour roared
"Why? What are you going to do about it?" another Enforcer called back "Give us all a good kicking?"
This last comment was greeted with wide hilarity
"You... You're not taking this seriously, are you!?" Seymour spluttered, tightening his grip on the pistol and aiming it at Jays head "One more comment like that and I promise you: I... I'll redecorate this room with Chrysler's brains!"
"Oh, for smeg's sake" Cass snarled, curling her lip as she stalked across the room to step in between the two men, standing directly in front of Jay, facing Seymour
"What are you're doing!?" Jay hissed, nervously plucking at her sleeve, concerned that she might get hurt or worse "This is all under control!"
Cass glanced back over her shoulder and flashed him an apologetic half-smile as Seymour scowled and waggled his gun around in an ineptly threatening manner
"Would you get out of the way, you stupid woman!?" he huffed "My argument's with Chrysler, not you!"
"Seymour!" Cass snapped "Stop being such a smegging dick!"
"I... I am holding a gun you know!?"
Cass took a deep breath and released it as a sigh
"Listen..." she said gently "The Brittany you knew is long gone; she died the day the Molopod's combined her with that other woman"
"But she's still our queen!" Seymour insisted fervently
"The Brittany you knew would never have committed genocide by systematically eliminating the Molopods, would she?" Cass reasoned "...or set the STCP up to commit their innumerable crimes, just to safeguard her ten thousand year rule!"
Seymour's brow furrowed, niggling doubts beginning to cloud his clarity of purpose
"The Brittany you knew didn't have the blood of untold billions on her hands" Cass said gently "Your Brittany's gone; but what we're facing is a different and altogether far more dangerous individual"
"But..." Seymour murmured, pausing to nervously lick his lips "But she..."
"She's gone" Cass said firmly
Seymour wavered, momentarily lowering the gun before his expression suddenly hardened and he swung the weapon back up towards Cassandra
"I'd have thought that as a former Royal Aide, you of all people would have understood the importance of serving your Queen and country" he snapped "But I might have known you'd side with your bloody boyfriend!"
"Boyfriend!?" Katrina grinned with delight, raising her eyebrows and glancing across at Jay in askance
"It's... uh... It's not really the time..." Jay stammered, wishing he was anywhere but here "I mean, I'm... It's..."
He trailed off as Cass turned to face him
"You didn't tell her?" she asked quietly, her piercing green eyes searching his
"Cass..." Jay soothed "I..."
"I dont matter do I?" she whispered, tears glistening in her eyes
"Bloody hell!" Seymour shouted, firing another shot up into the ceiling and making everyone jump "I'm still here, you know!?"
Cassandra suddenly wheeled away from Jay, and strode towards Seymour
"Oh... I say..." he protested "That's far enough Ms...."
His remonstrations were cut short as Cass punched him hard enough in his face to overbalance him in his wheelchair and send him sprawling backwards onto the floor
"By dose!" he wailed, clutching his face and rolling around in pain "Wha habu done!?"

Amid Seymour's anguished wails, Davie quietly stooped to retrieve his weapon as Cass swept past him and out of the room, Katrina watching her leave with a sad kind of look before turning to regard Jay with a mixture of impatience and irritation
"You smegging stupid goit!" she said, slowly shaking her head "What did you just do?"

"Oh, God" Seymour moaned weakly from the floor "I fink she broke by dose!"

< Prev : Planning the assault Next > : Joint post with Jelena