Blow it up so that you can blow it up.

"I think the guys are under some kind of spell or hypnosis or something."
"Well, I do not like it."
"Well you're going to have to like it, because without the KissMammals we're never leaving. We need them to like us so they'll trade."
"I 'aven't seen Master Kong for free days. Dis all gives me the heebie jeebies. Did Mistress Cass reshpond?"
"No. Still no answer."
"Oh no. I fink we are goin' to be shtuck 'ere till de planet blows up."

"I'm afraid that can't happen." Jacky said, stepping out from behind a tree, wearing a finely tailored suit. "At least, not now." Jacky's hair was longer than it had been, a bit farther down his shoulders, but it was better kept.

"Kong!" Bedge growled, "Whater ya doin here? How didya get away?"

"I haven't, yet." Jacky responded.

"What?" Bedge urged, confused.

"I'm still stuck. You guys should go find me, because I'm in deep trouble."

"You're right there, you smegger!" Justin yelled.

"I am here, but my past self isn't." Jacky stated.

"Not more time-travel smeggery!" Justin scoffed, "Okay. Fine. What were you blathering about a second ago, future-Jacky?"

"You can't be on this planet until it explodes, since we're the ones who make it happen." Jacky said.

"How can we make it hap'n if we don't know how to make the capacitor? Cass hasn't contacted us in ages." Bedge rebutted.

"Cass is dealing with something very troublesome right now, but you'll find out all about that when you go back to the Dwarf and blow up the planet." Jacky said, matter-of-factly.

"Why do we have to blow up a planet of pleasure GELFs?" Justin whined.

"Because we only came here trying to avoid blowing it apart. We knew that we'd have to, so we avoided doing it. If we never find out that it is going to be destroyed, then we're not going to be able to avoid it and eventually come down here."

Justin had lost sense a while ago of F-Jacky's ramblings.

"Explain it in simple terms." He replied.

"We need to blow up the planet so that we blow up the planet so that we blow up the planet."

"Why not just NOT blow up the planet?" Justin replied as if to imply stupidity.

"Then we'll crash into it without the warning that it will be destroyed, and we'll die from the damages to the Dwarf. Or, to be more precise, we will have already." Jacky explained.

"...oh." Justin replied simply.

"As for now, I cannot reveal much more of the future, but I can tell you where to go and what to use."

"Why can you do that but not explain the future?" Bedge questioned.

"First of all, telling you exactly what happens would be far too much info. You'd be sub-consciously driven to break the series of events, or be so driven to accomplish it correctly that you fail at doing it all correctly. Second, I need to get back and get Jelena a Deathday present."

Jelena's name shocked Justin.

"Jelena? She's back? What happens to me?" He asked, curiously.

Jacky ignored Justin, for his own good.

"You want to go in that direction," Jacky pointed into a nearby wood-like area, "and you're going to want to carry this." Jacky picked up a large stick from the ground.

"Let me get dis straight..." Bedge began, "We need to blow up dis planit, so that we know that it's going to blow up, so we don't die crashing inta it, and the first step in doing so is to go somewhere in those woods and use this stick?"

Jacky smiled at Bedge.

"You're good at keeping up. I have to go now."

Immediately, this Jacky of the future disappeared to his own time. Bedge grappled the stick over his shoulder and began walking to the woods with Justin in hand.

"Do you even know where we're going?" Justin asked, annoyed.

"No." Bedge responded.

The pair trekked into the woods, and after a brief struggle with a bird snatching Justin for nest material, they made it to a large, empty field in the forest. Empty, of course, aside from the Pleasure GELF, the giant spider, and the immobile, malnourished Jacky Kong imprisoned on its web with a large wound. The spider left along with the GELF and let Jacky out in the sun, which he squinted at. Bedge ran over.

"Filthy 'Ooman! Are you alright?" He asked, panicking.

"Bedge... suck out the p-p-poison...." Jacky moaned softly.

"What's that, 'ooman?" Bedge asked.

"It put poison in me... I haven't eaten... get me down..." Jacky moaned with a great deal of pain.

"One more time?" Bedge urged.

Jacky tilted his head up and said his next sentence as hard as he could.

"Get me the smeg away from here..." Jacky wailed.
Will Jacky be saved before the horrible beast returns? Has Seymour found true love? What kind of trouble is Cass in? Will future Jacky return? How will they build the makeshift capacitor without Cass to instruct them? How will Jelena return? Will Bedge, Justin, and Jacky reveal to the others the true nature of the women before it's too late? How will the planet be destroyed within the week? Will the GELFs survive the explosion? Why do they offer people to a giant spider, anyway? Where do they even get a giant spider on a planet inhabited by pleasure GELFs? Why are you asking so many questions?

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