She falls off

Eventually Jaxx and Evelina caught up with one the dinosaurs. Jaxx grabbed the rope and Evelina to help her climb up first. After Evelina was making progress Jaxx tried to climb up the rope but was delayed when a few Haruk were holding his legs. Jaxx tried to shake them off but only knocked one of them off before his rope snapped. Evelina was shocked as she saw Jaxx and a Haruk fall thirty feet to the ground and disappear in the crowd of combatants.
"We have to go back for him, otherwise he'll get killed by the Haruk down there!" Evelina screamed over the noise. But nobody seemed to hear her as the sound of something loud went off and set the dinosaur she was sitting on off into a run from the source of the sound, also away from Jaxx. She lent over the side over te dinosaur as far as she dared and saw that it was a long fall and that if she was to jump she wasn't going to be any use to Jaxx even if she made it. She made a split discision and decided her fate, not that she believed in fate. As she slide her leg over to the over she hoped that she would land on something relatively soft. " Geronimo!!!!!" Evelina let herself slip over the side of the dinosaur and fall the 50 or so foot to the ground. As she fell she heard some one scream her name as she fell, and the sound of the on-coming battle get closer. crunch She hit the ground and rolled, letting unknown instinct take over. She got up and started her hunt for Jaxx, with at least one broken bone in her body, she just wasn't sure where.

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