... Now Reap the Whirlwind - Part Two

Black stubbed out the cigarette under her foot and looked out at the battle-field. This was getting dull. She grabbed another off the Firebat nearby and sparked up again. The endless warfare in the stupid 'candy' world. I mean, if they were going for a Wreck-It-Ralph type thing why had no one picked up on the massive alien invasion thing like it happened in the film?

"Urgh..." She winced as the strange thoughts cascaded over her and she blocked them out. She was a trained soldier for Jim Raynor and the Resisitance. This was the place she had to defend and take back from the Zerg invasion. Nothing else mattered.

"Black! Ma'am." The Marine saluted as he aproached. "We found these Terran spies on the edge of the boarders. What do you want us to do with them?" Jade loooked at them. Two children in fancy dress, an older man and a couple of others.

"We aren't spies. We are here for the Dwarf Exile." The older man said. Black looked at him, he was a commanding presence, but no rank insignia adorned him anymore.

"You'll find no midgets here." She said, hand drifting to the pistol by her side and assessing who would be the most dangerous. She settled on the shark Jaxx.

Wait... I don't know these people...

"We need to gather the Dwarf Exiles so we can defeat..." He began to explain.

"I am in the middle of a war here. I don't have time for your games." She glowered at Jay, interrupting him.

"But we need their help." Came the voice of the little girl.

No... Not a girl...

Black peered closer to the child. His face was sullen, most likely from the tummy ache.

That frown...

"Mr Frowny?..." The words tripped off her toung unbidden. The name coming from an unknown part of her mind along with a crushing sense of bitter betrayal and pain. The little girly boy looked up an mixture of confusiona nd recognision on his face too. Her face showed a mixture of emotions, the huge hulking armored marines saw the change and all aimed guns at the 'spies'.

"Shall we execute them Ma'am?" One asked grinning behind his mirrored helmet. Suddenly the thoguht of them dying tore holes in her heart. Spies they might be, evil and in the uniforms of the Terran enemy as well, but, she couldn't place the order to fire.

"No. We can use them against our enemies. IOf nothing else I can use them as bait. With me team, bring them back to Cassandra Base Alpha." She stalked off engaging the cloak and vanishing to sight. She unleashed a psychic force at the waves of monsters and men in her way, and began to walk back to the base next to The Holly.


"We can't just stay here like this. We need to get the Keystone." Whispered Artynom. They had been in a holding cell for hours now.

"Agreed." Jay said in reply, his voice hushed. "Lil'Plisk can you burn the bars? Melt the metal or something?" He asked.

Black decloaked in the coridor in front of them.

"Spies. Thieves and traitors. You all abandoned The Holly. You abandoned your posts. You abandoned me..." She glowered at them all, but for some reason reserved a special venomous glance to the girlboy.

"It's not like that at all. If you let me explain." Jay said, coming to the front of his cage.

"Enough lies. I should feed you to the zerg." She growled turning away. "We don't need your help. We can protect The Holly alone."

"Jade wait..." It was the girlboy, he'd piped up. The name made her stop in her tracks.

Is that my real name? Before Emporer Mengsk got his claws into me? Before Jimmy rescued me?

"You. Who are you? How do you know me?" She stalked over to the bars of the cage the boy was in and glared at him. Holding back a wave of psychic force that would crush the life out of all in the room.


< Prev : I don't have time to *Engine Roar* around! Next > : Ultimatum