Taxi Anyone?

Just as more combat mechs showed up to protect the armory it exploded and caught them in the cross blast. Jaxx and Evelina quickly headed for the prison cells hoping the others were still alright. Evelina grabbed the duffel bag from Jaxx and wore it like a backpack as she ran next to Jaxx. The Evelina said, "Now you can fight the mechs a lot easier Jaxx. Jaxx replied in his Vader voice,"Your the best Eve babe." As they headed down the hallway they could only guess what dangers lurked before them.

Jaxx and Evelina continued down the hall as they headed for the tram section. Evelina asked, "Ummmmm Jaxx do you think we will catch up to the others on time?" Jaxx replied in his Vader voice,"Most definitely not Eve babe we totally took a long way around." Evelina replied, "Well we need to go fast if we don't want to be left behind." Jaxx replied, "Any ideas Eve babe?" Evelina thought as she ran next to Jaxx, but she couldn't think of anything. Just as Evelina was about to reply they entered a different maintenance bay and she saw an abandoned maintenance repair pod. Evelina pointed and said, "How about we use the pod to meet them at the saucer?" Jaxx looked at the pod and replied, "Most excellent Eve babe, but maybe you should drive." Evelina laughed as they arrived at the pod. After Evelina opened the pod and helped Jaxx in she piloted the pod out of the maintenance bay and began navigating to the saucer section.

"LINDSTROM YOU COWARD!" Artemis yelled. Cass' console beeped, it was a call from a tram station.

"Hello?" she said.

"Cass? Thank gods, did you guys get security offline?" Jamie said.
"Yes, but they were tied to some other systems. We might have a few problems getting to the command decks. We need to beat Lindstrom there, he's going to eject the vault with the time drive and call the Space Corps for help"
"Alright, we'll get up there as soon as we can. But uh, we....we lost Katrina"

Cass shook her head and let out a pained sigh, "Fuck....fuck....fuck Lindstrom and fuck this whole place" she whispered.

Artemis paced back and forth, muttering angrily to himself.

"Look" Jamie said "We'll get up there and then we can work on getting out of here..."

"NO! We're going after Lindstrom!" Artemis yelled. "We can't let that bastard escape!"
"Damnit, we can't..." Cass objected.
"I let that bastard go once and look what happened! He needs to pay for what he's done Cass, I don't give a fuck if you all leave without me, one way or another Lindstrom is going down"

Jamie sighed. "We're not leaving you behind Artemis, I understand that you want to stop him but let us get there and then we can discuss a plan of action"

Artemis kicked the chair Lindstrom had been sitting in and yelled angrily.

"I'll send a tram to the station, hurry up" Cass said.


Artemis is adamant about stopping Lindstrom, he won't let anyone or anything get in his way, even if he stays behind.
A tram is on it's way to you guys, once you get to the saucer we can make a battle plan. The saucer is empty save for Artie, Cass and Gums.

The station computer is only working at a fraction of its capacity as a side effect of security being shut down, some systems will either be malfunctioning or offline. Also, the prison's gravity tethers (which held the asteroids and derelicts being stripped down in place near the station) are offline, as is the Asteroid Defense System, and all robotic staff (save for mechanoids and simulants, which are autonomous). The station will take a severe beating as a result, so there's going to be more and more damage as we move along.

Evelina arrived at the saucer section slightly after Lindstrom had escaped. Evelina said, "Well we are here Jaxx but i don't know what frequency they are on." Jaxx replied, "Maybe I should like get out and knock." Evelina smiled and replied, "Great idea Jaxx I can use the loud speakers." Evelina got as close as she could and used the loud speaker and said, "Hello? Miss Jones? Dr. Pritchard? If you can hear me wave out the window?" Jaxx and Evelina looked out the window hoping someone got their message.


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