The J Team.

It came as quite a surprise to Jay, Jade and Jamie when the security piled into the shuttle-bay. Jade looked over to Jamie, who was ducked behind the bay consoles re-wiring the whole thing to let them open the bay doors without causing more damage. Jay had been all in favour of blowing a hole in the doors, till Jade casually pointed out that the Star-bug was, like her, unarmed. He had proceeded to head into the cockpit to sulk about the lack of explosions.

“Put your hands in the air!” The lead mechanoid stated, levelling a pulse rifle at the Jade.

“Well now that’s just a tad heartless.” Jade said scowling as she raised a right hand and waved a still healing stump at the security team as more robots poured into the bay. The Star-bug sprang to life, the engines beginning their warm up sequence.

“Ah…” It faltered, not sure how to handle the comment. “You may not leave until such payment has been reached that will cover your bill. If you cannot pay, then you will be put to work for the next guests.” The image of the homicidal play station from their arrival flickered through Jade’s mind and she grimaced. The Star-bugs engines cycled up to full speed, now sat ready for take-off.

“What about compensation?” Jade said, thinking on her feet, hoping that Jay could come up with a plan, or at least one of Phil’s old credit cards.

“Compensation for what?” The security mech was caught off guard and lowered his gun slightly, the other hundred did not.

“Well with all this security, how come you weren’t able to detain the homicidal hologram that… that cut off my arm, and killed one of our crew?” She embellished the last bit, thinking of how Plisken wasn’t really dead, at least, she hoped not.

“Ah… Well this is awkward now isn’t it?” The mech said, lowering his gun and pulling out a communicator. The other hundred mech’s also lowered their guns. Jade breathed a sigh of relief. “I need to speak to the management. Hold on please” At that point, Jamie vaulted over the barrier, and landed with a clunk behind Jade on the boarding ramp.

“Punch it!” He yelled through to the cockpit as the bay doors began to open and a force field flickered into life to prevent the atmosphere from being vented. The boarding ramp closed with Jade looking out at a security force so confused that they didn’t even raise their guns. Jay powered the Star-bug out into space and swung it around on an approach vector to the cargo bays.

“Now we just have to hope that the defence grid…” Jamie began, but Jay held up his hand and interrupted.

“If you jinx this, I swear I’ll let the midget into your quarters after curry night.” Jay growled.


OOC - Feel free to be with the J team, but the title amused me so it stuck with just these three mentioned directly.

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