Moving forward

Winifred found an odd sense of comfort in Isai’s words to her. It seemed as though he knew precisely what she was speaking of, and she didn’t have to say any more than what was necessary. Thinking back to the short comment he stated towards her, she nodded in agreement to them. The nobility in his meaning was present. Winifred knew that Artem had struck a nerve with his comment; anyone with half a brain could have foreshadowed the encounter it caused. Though she had her moments of being rude, she also understood where the imaginary line was. She also valued her life far more than a couple of spare words.

Her head snapped towards Gularzob at his comment towards Artem, not that it was unwarranted. The protective feeling over Artem’s life came from the fact that he was human- no matter how much larger than her he was, he was still human. Humans make far greater mistakes than any other kind, which she attributes to their mortality. Letting her eyes return to Lars, they offered a delicate smile of sincerity that her face lacked. "Stay your hand, my friend. He is correct, I am strange. But, so are we all, if we take the time to look deeper than the surface." “Precisely.” Winifred’s voice followed immediately, to reinstate that she too was slightly offended by Artem’s comments.

Once the situation had subsided, along with the tension in the air- well half of it- Winifred put focus on Lars, as she certainly deserved it. Tensing at her wings being stroked, it sent a delicate shiver up her spine, causing her to clear her throat in surprise. No one had ever taken it upon themselves to touch her most delicate feature. She had heard that some people would cut off the wings of faeries in hopes that it would provide them luck. Turning her wings away from Lars, Winifred’s demeanor changed err on the side of caution. “I doubt we will find your work unfavorable in any way. Just as long as we look convincing. We already have our natural states working against us- fae and human? Together? The pair is more unlikely than a goblin and vampire.” Pausing momentarily, she held up a finger in protest of her statement. “Maybe not, after all, at least the both of us are attractive.” Putting her hand back down at her side, she nodded in silence for approval.

She shifted comfortably underneath Artem’s arm, looking up at him, but quickly changing her line of sight. "Great, when do you have time to begin and who do you want to start with?" Turning her body towards him she placed a hand over his chest and patted it softly. “Ladies first, dear.” Letting her hand fall, she stepped slightly away from him, and looked up at Gularzob. “I assume we would need baths first. Is there a washhouse here? Or, something, so I can at least get the grime of staying in a brothel washed off my skin?” Letting her thoughts move back towards the concept that she slept in a bed, where people went to enjoy each other without passion or love, her face responded by twisting in a look of disgust.

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