
-Dalen Capital, Valade Estate. AfterNoon, 2 DSTR-

“The metal never makes the weapon.” Kline added softly to the conversation of steel. “I believe that part of the soul of the smith goes into the blade when he forges it. The smith makes the weapon, and the warrior wields it, the last thing you need to worry over is the material.” He looked at the group. “This is why an orc army in plain steel can overcome a troop of paladins in blessed armor. I have seen it. Regular steel besting a mithril blade because the one who forged it and the one who used it.” His eyes went to Gularzob. “I think he would agree.” He ale appeared, and he took it taking a slow drink.

He shrugged and turned to smile at Kalena. “I prefer my sword to have some heft to it, some weight, I like to swing it as much as it will swing me.”

They were taken to the game room. Kline knew places like this existed, games were played by all classes, and he had gambled with nobles in the war camps, won and lost his bounties. This game room seemed to have everything.

You did not need to ask Kline twice. He found a seat at the table and took out a bag of coins, his traveling money. “I think we should play Ransom.” He picked up the deck. “If none of you know it, I can explain.” He says and flips through the deck. “We all start with 100 coins, gold or silver, no more, and we deal out ten cards each.” He nods. “To draw a card means you put one coin in the pot, then draw. You can have as many cards in your hand as you wish.”

He laid out three cards, a jack, king, and queen. “The jack is worth 20 points, the King is worth 30 points, and the Queen is worth 50 points.” He tells them. “You want to make collections, either two to four of the same, or one of each, if you have a set of one of each you double the points. Once you have a collection you can lay them out to display, however, when they are displayed, they are out of game and no longer can be ransomed.” He taps the table. “At the end of the game, the one with the most points wins the pot, the game is over then all royals are out of play, or the ones in play cannot be made into a set. At the end of play you subtract five points for each card you have in your hand.”

He sets down the deck. “Now in play, you can either draw a card, and pay your coin, or ransom something from your hand. You can ransom as many cards as you wish.” He takes some cards and places them on the table face down. “You do not have to show the cards, and you do not need tell the truth about what cards you will ransom. You can demand a price or open it for bidding. If your ransom the cards, you get to keep the coin paid and it goes to your pot.”

He looks around. “Do you wish to try it?”

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