New Kid In Town

Kyle had skipped the coffee cart to sleep in a little more and then go to breakfast. He figured he'd get to the cart eventually just didn't feel like it today. As he walked into the cafeteria he took a small breath; the first day, new school it was never exactly easy but not being known was better sometimes than the entire school knowing who you were.

The boy knew that was likely to change. Eventually, people would know who he was. After all, it wasn't that big of a school and he wasn't exactly one to hide.

The boy got his food and a coffee and found a seat. He casually looked at his surroundings. 'High school cafeterias are always like the law of the jungle' he thought. It didn't probably matter which high school there was always an element of truth to it.

A few tables had loners, like himself or just two people or so sitting together, he didn't pay much attention to them. There was a table that seemed to be rich kids, maybe jocks, maybe rich jocks. Whatever, they had noticed him he didn't care. They were probably sizing him up and they were probably wrong.

Kyle didn't seem like a rich kid, though he was. He just would keep that to himself as much as was possible. He wasn't judging, more cautious and he had no tolerance for people that were snobs.

There was the table of the rich kids, then some kids that seemed like maybe they might have been but weren't sitting with them. He already knew that the rich kids weren't just the rich kids they were the kids who were accepted by the other rich kids. Not everyone who had money would fall into that category.

Finishing his breakfast he headed off towards his first-class; giving himself some time to find it.

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