My So Called Life - a play-by-post rpg

My So Called Life play-by-post roleplaying game


Story Posts

Harper and Timber

May 19, 2024, 4:05pm by Cindy

Jp with mdman and Cindy Timber’s eyes brightened at meeting a new person. Harper was pretty and seemed athletic. If he were to guess, she was here on scholarship for athletics. Tim ...


May 19, 2024, 4:04pm by Cindy

Harper had gone to the Battle of the Bands but then went back to the dorms. She had a private practice in the morning and her coach would have thrown a fit if the gymnast was tired from stay ...

Doug and Guns

May 19, 2024, 4:03pm by Cindy

JP with Jaxx and Cindy Mel nodded at Dante. It was a question about the gun. "True, but we also have no idea where he went when he ran." Mel hadn't always or even usually hung out w ...

First Visitors

May 19, 2024, 3:52pm by Cindy

JP with Redsword and Cindy Conner was lying in his bed. He had an IV in his arm and looked to be a little out of it with the drugs he had been given. JD's father and mother had left. The ...

Showing 4 out of 819 posts

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Post Summary

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2020 74 48 9 22 28 15
2021 97 27 67 57 18 12 17 26 28 39 27 30
2022 15 17 3 6 13 7 5 30 7 7 1 7
2023 7 3 5 1 3 1 2 6 11
2024 1 2 2 7 9

Game Information

Created by : Jaxx

Category : Modern Adventure Comedy Romance Mature

Number of characters : 71

Number of posts : 819

Created : Jul 15, 2020

Website :


Cindy LaserSexPanther Jaxx


There are 8 members in this game

Pending Members

There are no pending members in this game