The End of one; the beginning of another

Rose nodded as he spoke. So, she wasn't interrupting his time still she felt a little like she was. When he said that she might get to hear it soon. The blonde girl smiled. "If you want me to. I'd like to hear it."

Nothing to it just an old friend wanting to hear another friends work. It would be no different if he had said he wanted to see some of her art work; if she was exhibiting some place.

He got his stuff and told her not to be a stranger. "I won't. You don't either." She was sure they'd see each other around. Actually, she remembered his from last year, a little but hadn't made the connection until today.

She wished she could say that talking to him made her artist block go away or her feel a little better about what had happened today though she hadn't really talked about any of that to him. Once he left, she packed her things back in her bag but before she left the music room, her phone went off. A deep sigh left her. Her mother. Not a call she was up for taking at the moment. Rose turned her phone off and headed to outside towards the stands.

< Prev : Finishing Next > : Friendship offers.