Getting What She Wants

Sadie sat in her room with her entourage around her as the bids started coming in.
She was fast but there was no need to really be. The only guy she wanted was Joey and Joey’s bids hadn’t gone very high. Not nearly as high as she figured he thought they would. It almost made her laugh; he had been so cocky about the auction the other day and now there his picture was sitting on her computer and she only had to bid like three different times to win him in the end.

$7,000 was all it had taken to get him. And now she had him to wait on her for an entire day. She was so looking forward to this. A day to make him do what she wanted. Maybe, she should start with telling him he couldn’t be conceited for a day or maybe that would make his head explode. Of course, as she was saying this she was checking her face in her mirror and if her followers had increased on YouTube.

“Hey, Sadie, who’d you get?” One of her entourage girls asked and all the other girls got quiet. They did hang on her words, after all.

“Joey,” Sadie smiled.

“I don’t get it. What is it with you and Joey?” Another asked.

Sadie thought about how to answer that, “Oh, I just think he needs some… let’s say...lessons on how to behave and I should be the person to teach him.”

A few girls looked at each other and then one commented, “Aren’t there easier guys to do that with? I mean I know he’s hot but, well, it’s still Joey.”

Sadie laughed, “Yes, of course, there would be easier guys but what fun would that be? Listen by the time I’m done with him you won’t even recognize him. And of course, the fact that he’s attractive just sweetens the deal.”

She looked around the room as the girls started to get it. The one asked, “What about Charlie? Aren’t those two always together?”

Denise, who had been with Sadie that day at the boardwalk, spoke up, “What about him? He is a weird one. I mean he didn’t even seem interested in me. Me. Can you imagine?”

Sadie was stuck on herself and thought she was beautiful and amazing. Denise was almost just as bad.

Sadie nodded, “Yeah, I don’t know what his problem was?”

One the girls blurted out, “Maybe, he’s secretly gay or something?”

Denise shrugged, “Maybe, that would be, at least a reasonable explanation, for what happened at the boardwalk. I mean I’m glad he wasn’t hurt too bad but still the way he acted you’d think I was ugly or something but of course we all know I’m not.”

Sadie agreed, “Of course not; I only hang with beautiful people, after all.”

The girls went on to discuss who they won; they had all gotten some of the rich guys. Some of them had tried to bid on Conner, Kyle, Justin, Matt or Dante and were outbid which they found odd. A few had looked at JP but had been told he was dating Rose Newhall and left that alone.

“Well, Heath is dating Sam,” Sadie said after one girl was confused about being outbid for Heath. “Sam is best friends with Rose. Rose probably just gave her the money to bid on him.”

“Well, that makes sense but what about Courtney or that new cheerleader, Blossom, or April? Where did they get the money?” One of the girls asked.

“My guess? Maybe the same person.” Sadie responded. “Rose has some pretty deep pockets and she hangs out with all of them.”

Denise shook her head, “I don’t get it. Rose could hang with us or really any of the rich kids. She could have any guy she wanted, practically. Why in the world does she hang out with scholarship students and more why is she dating one?”

Sadie shrugged, “I don’t know. Frankly, I think people spend far too much time worrying about who Rose Newhall hangs out with. It takes attention away from the important people.” Of course she meant herself but she did also mean her entourage.

The girls all went back to talking about the auction and the upcoming dance. Sadie was just satisfied she had gotten what she wanted.

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