Step By Step

Aboard the Hogue- Sailing towards Sentinel Island

Hunter was doing his best to avoid any conversations with the crew since he wanted to keep a low profile and avoid any trouble. After being warned by Sir Zane he decided to stay in the shadows for now. Sadly being alone gave him to much time to think. When he was a tool he wanted to accomplish every mission. When he was with his beloved he wanted to see her smile. When he was on the run he wanted to survive. However now he was at a point where he didn’t know what he wanted. He had his freedom, a job, a shelter, food, water, booze, clothing and a pair of twin sisters who enjoyed spending time with him, but now he was feeling a bit empty inside as he watched the others interact.

Flash Back
He wondered if he wanted to be like them and then he wondered if he could ever be like them even if he tried. During his time as a professional killer he committed many sinful acts. Then another memory flashed into his mind. He had a mission to kill a rival noble family who was on a summer vacation in their Villa. Hunter incited a rebellion among the commoners who were tired of being abused and oppressed by the greedy noble family. So while the rebellion was going on Hunter snuck in and poisoned their meal before they ate it. Then he stole some documents for his boss and left before anyone could see him.

As he was walking along a hill he looked down and saw a dune by a fort by the ocean and the fort was on fire. The flames had engulfed it as he could hear screaming from the soldiers inside and the one’s trying to escape while on fire. As Hunter watched it he found it oddly beautiful as he sat and watched it. It was then that he questioned if the gods truly existed. He wondered if there was a meaning to life like an organic power that connects all things in some kind of spiritual manner like Vasted, Hoi or some magical life form that was near extinction due to church.
End Of Flash Back

Hunter smirked at the thought of the holy woman and her cult realizing such a connection way to late. Then Baleia came bursting from the water and splashed as it came back down. It was a very majestic sight and Hunter found himself moved by the nature of this beast. It’s size and manner made Hunter feel connected to the circle of life, even for a brief moment. He looked at the rest of the crew and recalled how different they were compared to himself. So he pulled out his notebook and listed his life accomplishments in code of course and then he began working on a bucket list that he would work on so he could one day connect with humanity and move forward.


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