Lorem and The Explosive

JP with Lorem, Jaxx, mdman and Cindy

Lorem had been a model participant on the tour. She followed the group, stayed attentive and provided excellent affirming body language. In truth, she was quite interested since learning anything was admirable to her. There were times, however, where she had to move about the group, or raise up on her tippy toes, in order to get a better view of things.

It wasn’t a shock that the more science based area peeked her interest and curiosity. Her enthusiasm was very evident on her face and it only grew more and more the closer the natural sciences adapted into the technological. If the Baron felt good from seeing the reactions of impressed guests, then Lorem was giving him a feast.

Lorem surprised some near her when she cheered at the explosion. She aptly volunteered to try handling the explosive clay, her arm straining to get as high as possible like a grade school child.

“Yes please, I would like to cause an explosion.” She beamed.

Dr. Jackal quietly watched as the eager Lorem was excited about handling the explosive clay. He had an idea what it was made up of and was not eager to play with it. If he was correct it was an unstable compound that resembled Nitroglycerin. If made incorrectly it would maim or kill you. Since he was responsible for destruction on a much bigger level he really had no desire to take pleasure in any more destruction. In fact he was not a fan of violence since he had to live with a rampaging demon inside him. Since Lorem was still a young fan of science she was to innocent to the darker side. He didn't look forward to the day she gets her heart broken from her work being abused.

Cronk recognized Pretty Flower was struggling to be seen. So gently, very gently, he placed his large hands about Lorem’s waist and lifted her. To Cronk, she was as light as a feather.

“Cronk help Pretty Flower!” he gushed.

“Eep” Lorem involuntarily squeaked as she unexpectedly found herself hoisted high into the air by two massively large and strong hands. Quickly realizing what had happened she projected it would benefit her being noticed and hopefully chosen. It was either go with it or waste the time to tell Cronk to put her down. She went with the former idea and continued to raise her hand.

“Ooo oooo me please.”

The other two Gnomes seemed to smile when they realized it was one of their own volunteering to try the clay.

"Of course," Dr. Morgan indicated that she was talking to Lorem, "Come on over." Once Lorem was a little closer, Dr. Morgan asked, "What is your name?"

After Cronk put her back down, Lorem thanked him for the assist. She then gracefully moved over to Dr. Morgan, but her feet under her working dress were moving as fast as a duck paddling.

“Lorem Ipsum, Dr. Morgan.”

"Well, Miss Ipsum, you are the first person to try this, outside if the scientists who have been working on it." Dr. Morgan reached into the box and pulled out some clay, handing it to Lorem. "Now, once it's thrown you have five seconds to get out of the way. Just in case anything goes wrong." She then added. "Alright, headsets everyone." When everyone had their headsets on Dr. Morgan indicated with both gestures and words. "You may go ahead, Miss Ipsum, when you are ready."

Lorem nodded and placed her ear protection on. With a serious and intense look of concentration on her face, she took the clay into her hands. It was obvious from the twinkle in her eye though, she was enjoying this.

She moved out from the others, not trusting her female gnome throwing arm to the ability to get the clay far enough; playing it safe. She then quickly pulled the clay apart into two circular projectiles. She threw the first one out as far as she could onto the ground. The second she hurled out and as far up into the air as possible with an uncomfortable delay to those watching; she wanted to see what would happen if it was still in the air when it went boom.

As soon as she had let both free, she backpedaled back to the group as fast as possible without taking her eyes off the clay. She didn’t want to miss what would happen next.

The piece of clay, that Lorem had been given, wasn't very big. When the one thrown out it exploded, with about a two foot impact radius, leaving another dent in the ground.

The one that went up in the air for a brief moment but did not explode into it impacted with the ground, causing a similar response as the first piece.

Dr. Morgan figured out what Lorem had been trying to do. "I am afraid it won't explode in mid air. It needs to impact something in order to set it off. " she explained.

Cronk intently watched Pretty Flower throw the clay. When they exploded, Cronk clapped his two huge hands together and laughed.

“You did it Pretty Flower!” he exclaimed. “You did good!” Grammar was not Cronk’s forte, but those standing by the loud clapping of his mighty hands understood what was his gift.

Lorem blushed at the jubilant praise from her towering teammate. If only more things got to end successfully with a boom. Explosives were unique like that. The last thing you wanted with an airship, or car, was for it to explode.

Directing her attention to Dr. Morgan, “I see. Fantastic material. How does it know when to count down the five second timer? Is it when the material reaches a certain speed and then the five seconds starts before detonation on impact? Would it be possible to place it on a locked door and have it explode the lock without damaging the rest of the door? Or perhaps blow a small hole in a wall? Or open a welded panel? If so, could the noise be muffled?”

"It explodes five seconds after impact. The impact is what causes it to set off the timer. It needs to be impacted in some way so, if you placed it on a door you would need to still have something hit it to cause the explosion." Dr. Morgan explained, happy to see someone excited over the compound. "For minimal damage to the door, you would have to use a small amount but I would think you'd have some damage." Dr. Morgan thought for a moment. She turned to Mr. Reminize, "Mr. Reminize will run and fetch one of the assistants and have them help you bring one of the practice doors." Mr. Reminize seemed to nod and headed back towards the science building. Dr. Morgan focused back to Lorem, "It's probably easiest if you see for yourself what happens when there is a door." As for the sound, we are working on trying to muffle the sound in some way but have not been successful, as of yet."

< Prev : Things That Go Boom Next > : Exploding Door