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View character profile for: Elizabeth Ellington

View character profile for: Sasha Lagrave

View character profile for: Lorem Ipsum

View character profile for: Vor'Aster

View character profile for: Cronk
Getting Started
JP with mdman, Lorem, LucianNepreen, Lasersexpanther and Cindy
The door led to stairs going down. They were big enough for Cronk though maybe a little tight. The stairs were a little large for Lorem, and she'd have to walk two steps to get to the edge of the step, then jump down to get to the next step. The stairs led to a hallway, at the end of the hall was a door.
Elizabeth said, "That's the door to the temple."
When trying the door, it's locked. The team found no traps or anyone in that section.
Vor hesitated with the barred entry, unsure by who it was locked, but he felt over the keyhole as a part of himself demanded to see the inside. He had to know there were no more devious rituals and Metira knows what else happening within. "Do we have a way in?”
Cronk was certain he could bash their way into inside, but this went against the “Masked One’s orders to be quiet. He put a finger to his chin to think.
“Pretty Flower,” Cronk whispered after not coming to a conclusion, “you have key?”
While Loren may not actually have a key, Cronk knew with her ingenuity, she may have a tool that would do the trick. He was learning to rely upon others’ abilities.
"If it is necessary I can open it using my magic but I'd rather not deplete my magic reserve on opening doors if we do not have to." Elizabeth stated. This was true especially not knowing what they were possibly walking into.
Lorem indicated to Elizabeth that she had her own hands free light source by turning on the illumination device integrated into her helmet. It had an aperture with a shutter built into it, allowing her to adjust the focus of the beam from a diluted flood-like spread to a concentrated narrow beam. Of course it could also be closed off completely, even while on.
She followed along with the group, in the suggested order. The stairs were more of an exercise for her, than any of the others. Her progression was slower than the average pace. Those behind would have to be patient or else risk steamrolling over her. With each jump down to the lower step, her equipment rattled and clanked.
When they came to the locked door, she paused to rest against the wall. The additional weight was significant enough to notice the effects on her person, even though they hadn’t yet gone that far. Lorem was determined to push through.
She definitely had lock picking tools with her. She nodded to Cronk, “I have several options with me to get through a variety of lock types. But … um …” Her words trailed off as she looked to Sasha. “Perhaps let the professional assassin do it though?” Sasha was also the lead of the group, most likely the first to go through as well. If they insisted; however, she would gladly make short work of the simple barrier to entry device.