The Getalong Gang

Jamie headed down to the hangar bay where everyone was to meet for the away mission to the station. He was carrying a toolkit he'd collected himself of all the tools he'd grown accustomed to from the ship, and let it touch down gently on the deck as he joined everyone else.

Holly led Jaxx right to the hanger bay where some of the crew was meeting up. A happy Evelina quickly greeted Jaxx with a big hug from behind. Jaxx almost lost his balance, but managed to grab a handrail to catch his balance. Evelina asked, “Miss me?” Jaxx tried to turn his neck around and smiled as he said, “Of course Eve babe.” Evelina let go of Jaxx as he turned around to see her and say, “Wow! Eve babe you totally look awesome in your work clothes.” Evelina blushed a bit and then looked at Jaxx closely before asking, “Jaxx why are you covered in red marks? I thought you were going to let your wounds heal?”

Jaxx gave Evelina a nervous smile as he rubbed his neck and replied, “Umm……welll ya see Eve babe about that. I did like rest for a bit and my wounds totally healed and stuff so I did some Calamar training with some holowhips I found in my old lab. It like kinda took a little while to get used to using them and I kinda like hit myself a few times.” Evelina giggled as she replied, “A few times?? Jaxx your covered in lash marks all over. You need to be more careful. Ok?” Jaxx nodded and said, “I will Eve babe.”

As the two GELF’s entered the ship entered the ship they saw the other crew members on board already. After a quick greeting they found some empty seats and Evelina told Jaxx about what she was doing onboard the shuttle for the mining project.

< Prev : finding ones feet Next > : Self-induced closure.