You Called Down The Thunder... Part One

She flicked the mental switch, cloak engaged. Her psychic powers linked in to the suit she wore. She strode along the battlefield invisibly, occasionally taking out one or two of the monsterous creatures trying to attack the Holly. Cassandra Base Alpha was holding its own, against the monsters and the strange agressive Terran force that were attacking as well. She fired the massive sniper rifle with deadly accuracy and took out the driver of a tank before turning and unleashing a storm of psychic crushing force on another wave. Exhausted she fell back to base and turned off the cloak.

She couldn't help the feeling that they had been abandoned, not just by Mengsk but their allies as well. She remembered other people that should have been along side. Others that had rejected them. All of them had gone. She steeled herself against the feelings. Feelings were for the weak.

Another bunker was completed on one of the more battered fronts and the virus was pushed back. A couple of missile turrets sprang up for detection and anti-air support. Cassandra Base Alpha was now self sufficent. All sides covered.

The Holly was safe.

"We can hold here for a while longer Black but the addition of the Terran assult on The Holly is causing our defences to weaken." A contingent of marines of various types had marched over to her. She couldn't understand why her former allies were trying to kill her. The monsterous Zerg invasion she could face down and hold off, what she didn't understnad was why her former allies were helping them.

"Why would they help the virus... Don't they know that if it gets Holly..." She mused, briefly lost in thought. She shook the strange thoughts away and turned to the marines.

"What are your orders Black?" One asked.

"Prepare a contingent of SCV's. I want at least 12 marines per SCV with me, two seige tanks and a vulture bike or two. We'll need those spider mines." She barked, turning to the canyon that marked the entrance for the terran units. "Bring two squadrons of Wraiths and as many Cruisers as we can field right now."

"Ma'am." The marines nodded and ran off giving orders out.

"We'll take the fight to them." She growled, cracking her knuckles.


She stealthed out into the field. What she was doing was most likely suicide but she needed to create a diversion so the assult team could set up Cassandra Base Beta. The SCV began building the second HQ, Seige tanks deploying into seige mode. Black decloaked and opened fire.

The swarms decended on the hero unit rather than assault the newly emerging base. She kept half an ear on the radio waiting for the new construction to complete. Several bunkers began to deploy around the structures and troops lined up to enter them.

She was getting weaker, bleeding and broken in many places. Couldn't hold them of much longer. She caved, before the radio message kicked in and to preserve her own hide kicked in the cloak. The restorative nanos in her suit kicked in once the damage being delt had stopped. The swarms turned their attention to the base having lost sight of their prey, just as it compeleted it's defences. The Wraith fighter craft buzzing around the base and taking out the stray units brave enough to try and assult it.

Black breathed a sigh of relief.

She stalked over to the new base in cloak. Stepping over the mines dropped and burried by the bikes she aproached and slipped behind the defensive line. Her cloak deactivated and she smiled. Now they could focus on the cannyon, plugging the gap that was letting the Terran forces through.

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