Just One of Those Days

“Why did I even set you?!
Jay fumbled around for the snooze button on his alarm clock, but his fingers simply groped blindly across the devices surface.
Still failing to find the off switch, the alarm’s relentless electronic yell intruded into Jay’s vulnerable skull, making it feel like every bone in his head was rattling around. He gave up on the button and picked up the wireless device, hurling it across the room where it sailed through the open door to the en-suite bathroom, cracking the mirror and bouncing off where it ricocheted off Phil’s head (who had apparently crashed here last night) before plopping gently into the toilet he was leaning over and vomiting into.
Jay flopped back onto his bed and massaged his temples.
He slinked off the bed and stumbled into the adjoining living area. The place was a mess. Seemed he and Phil came back here for more drinks as empty cans and bottles strewed the floor, open packets of wotsits scattered around, their contents trodden in to the car park and and Xbox controller was lodged in the cracked screen of Jay’s TV.

Eve woke up on the cold deck floor feeling a bit out of sorts. As her vision slowly returned she found herself sitting next to the room Jaxx was confined in. As Eve regained her senses she realized she had slept next to Jaxx’s door last night. Her body was a little sore from sleeping on the cold, hard deck floor and her mind was a bit fuzzy from all the alcohol she drank last night. After regaining her strength, Eve staggered up and made her way to Starbugs for some coffee. After a long dizzy walk Eve found her way to Starbugs and ordered two large extra strong cappuccinos with whip cream and chocolate sprinkles. After getting her coffee Eve found a booth in the back of the coffee shop and relaxed as she sipped her coffee. As she looked around she realized she was the first one in Starbugs. After enjoying her first cappuccino, Eve felt revitalized as her body was feeling the effects of the insane amount of coffee in her blood.

“Fine…come on we’ll go to Starbugs”
The duo had managed to reach the promenade in reasonable time, despite Phil needing to stop to vomit in every plant pot, bin or mail box he could find and Jay shuffling slowly so as to not make his head implode. Each wore sunglasses as even the dim lightbulbs of the ships corridors burned.
“Double espresso…” Jay mumbled as he got to the front of the queue at Starbugs.
The Gerbil barista took Jay’s thumbprint as payment and handed over a paper cup of coffee, which Jay raised to his lips.

Eve noticed that Jay and Phil made their way to Starbugs as well to get over their hangovers. Lucky for Eve her stomach was designed to process just about anything so her alcohol induced headache was mild compared to that of a normal human. Eve then began to sip her second cappuccino as she was relaxing in the booth.

A shot was heard (making Jay’s head scream internally) and Jay’s coffee poured from a newly bored hole in the side of his cup.
Despite the chaos around him as people ran screaming, he didn’t move for a second, just closed his grip around the cup, crushing it angrily before a second shot fired and made him dive for cover.
He yanked his pistol from his belt and checked the ammo. Phil doing the same alongside him.
“Who’s shooting?” Phil asked.

Eve quickly hid under the booth and nervously held her coffee. Eve was scared since she was unarmed and left with no escape route. As Eve nervously clenched her coffee she listened to Jay and Phil as they were engaged in a gun fight with the intruders.

Jay popped his head over the overturned table.
“What are they doing here?”
“Smeg knows…I thought they’d given up on trying to bring us in!”
A squad dashed past the coffee shop heading toward the lift.
“Where are they going?”
“Toward engineering…SMEG..THE TIME DRIVE!” Jay realised, and leapt over the table, firing off a few shots at the squad.
The STCP enforcers whirled on the spot and seeing Jay opened fire.
“That was a mistake” Jay mused he realised his error, and now had four assault rifles bearing down on him. The enforcers opened fire, but Jay was able to leap aside quickly enough and move into a combat roll, rolling into the front door of the promenade’s branch of Costly Coffee”
He clambered to his feet.
“Coffee!” he snapped at the Barista “Now!...To go!”
The Guinea Pig nodded and handed over a Latte.
“It’ll do.”
Gun in one hand, coffee in the other, Jay ran back out into the Promenade shooting at the enforcers one-handed while still clutching his coffee. The Enforcers actually took cover giving Jay chance to duck down behind a coin operated Thomas the Tank engine childrens ride.

After Jay and Phil left Eve peered around the corner to see the room was empty now. R seeing the coast was clear Eve snuck out of Starbugs and headed for her room. As Eve made her way back to her room she realized the halls were empty and she saw no intruders at all. After grabbing a pulse pistol and ammo belt Eve grabbed her mini computer pad and ran back to help Jay and Phil.

After a few minutes they reached the engineering deck. Jay managing to grab a coffee from the vending machine along the corridor. Before he took a sip, it became clear that the enforcers were already in the Reactor control room, one of the agents appearing in view, holding the time drive which he’d obviously recovered from it’s hiding place.

As Eve wandered the halls she realized she didn’t know where anyone was. Eve took a sip of her coffee as she tried to think of what to do. As the caffeine rushed thorough her brain, Eve got an idea to ask Holly for directions. So after getting directions from Holly Eve was able to find out where Jay and Phil were. Eve rushed to aid them against the intruders.

“Sir! We’ve got it! Let’s move out!”
Jay and Phil charged into the reactor room, only to back out when the squad leader nodded and gestured to a member of a second squad, who pulled a device from his pack and placed on the side of the reactor core.
“Smeg…PHIL, it’s a timed charge!, They’re gonna blow the core!”
The enforcers teleported out almost instantly, and within the time it took Jay to blink, the timer reached zero.
Jay and Phil took cover behind whatever they could as the explosion filled the engine room. (Making Jay spill his third coffee)
The blast doors surrounding the core lowered, sealing the room, and Jay and Phil, outside.
“What the fuck do we do now?” Phil asked.

Eve finally caught up to Jay and Phil as the alarm was sounding. Eve was nervous since she didn’t know what was going on. Eve looked at Jay and Phil and asked, “What just happened?”


< Prev : Coffee Next > : Hangover