
(OOC-Had trouble with character tags earlier but I did some troubleshooting with dave and he got it fixed, I only tagged those directly mentioned in the post however because I can't remember everyone else!)

“Anyways, we need to do two things; find or make some tools, and make a treaty with the Huzzards. We've made peace with them before, so I hope they're willing to listen. So far as tools go, look about and see what you can find.” Jay looked about for him, “Who's going to do what, 'cuz while I like the idea of backup, I doubt the Huzzards will be too keen on negotiating with a large group of people.”

South picked up his hand and waved it in the air, jumping about and pleading like a kid in a candy store. “Oh! Oh! Can I go please? I want to see the lizard people!”

“Not you.” Jay say flatly. “Aw, why not?”
“You're weird, the Huzzards don't always react well with weird.”

South frowned. “Okay, fine...”

Ransom chuckled. “I thought you'd want to go to see the plant life.”

“Why would I want to see the the—Biologist!! Not botanist, biolog—wait a minuet, 3,000,000 years...actually I bet the plant life would be amazing!”

"Ahem" Artemis interrupted. "I believe I'm more than qualified to speak with the Huzzards considering my over-qualification"

"Over-Qualification?" asked Ransom.

"Yes...." Artemis pulled out his ancient wallet and dropped the photo sleeve, miniature copies of his various PhD's and Masters where photos of his family should have been.

"Xenobiology and Genetic Engineering, I used to build creatures like the Huzzards for a living, I know everything there is to know about them"

"No offense Artie but these aren't like the GELF's you pumped out back in the day" Jay commented.

"Well, Mr. Chrysler, they're actually more alike than you would think. The reptilian GELF's I created shared a similar DNA pattern since they're based off similar life-forms, they share similar evolutionary traits, similar behavior, and psychopathic tendencies against other living beings. I've done plenty of remote testing on the Huzzards and their sapient reptilian relatives, I know their body language, their favorite foods, which parts of the human body they favor stabbing, and that they're prone to falling for bear-traps...."

"What?" asked South.

"Don't ask, trade secret" Artemis said.

"I'm a scientist too, Artemis"

"Right, and I'm a pre-school astrology teacher....." before South could reply, Artemis continued with Jay. "....in addition....I have a doctorate in Political Science, other than rounding out my degree count to an even 12, I have a complex understanding of political structure from complex entities like the Space Corps to lower-intelligence tribal groups like the Huzzards"

Artemis looked around the group. "So, what should I wear?"


Who better to send on negotiations than a pompous ass with the right qualifications?

< Prev : A little plannig, a little history, and a little tea. Maybe. Next > : In other news.