Adjusting the Plans

-The Cartagan Orchard; Morning of 2 DSTR-

Pausing he looked back at Tyreth and arched a brow. “I shall see you are paid for the excess then if that is truly your desire. I shall have papers drawn up and delivered.” He tells him as he takes the box and turns to leave. “Do not worry, your estate shall be in good hands.” He tells him without looking back as he departs to the entryway.

In the entryway he paused to get his coat. He looks to Cordelia. “I shall see the book is delivered with the paperwork. Perhaps it is best if I acquire this, to see it is run by one with more…” He stopped. “Well, I will bid you a farewell, until later.”

After he stepped out and went to his carriage. His men mounted up and he closed the door to his conveyance. Inside he opened the desk that was in front of him and slid the box in, magic would have sent it to his office. He opened a smaller box and looked in, a silver bowl contained water.

He ran a finger around the rim and touched a symbol on the side of the box and the water shimmered and he was looking at one of his clerks at the office. “Report.”

“Our mercenaries were less then successful it seems.” The gnome said and looked at his bowl in the office, larger and more ornate, and made for prolonged scrying and watching others as well as divination.

While Randel had limited magic, what a bard and druid could do, and that was weak at best, he knew a great deal about it. He had studied the history and knew there was a time magic was so powerful and terrible it had weapons that could sunder whole kingdoms. Magic so powerful that it was hidden on purpose. Knowing this also made it so he could employ said magic in his day to day business. “Did he pay his debt?”

“Yes, his ledger is clear, Boss.”

He gained the orchard but lost a vineyard, or at least a dull Baron. The man was not fit for ruling, and Randel knew others in the Kingdom thought the same. He would have to get rid of the man. “We will have to find another way around that problem.” He said and leaned back.

“One more thing, Boss, Miss Valade is having a dinner party, he will be there. He has joined up with her and our sources say he took the surplus of his cash there.” The little gnome informed him.

“Oh.” Randel leaned back as the carriage rolled along back to the city. “Let the Scarlet Scarves know; a cash of cash is just the sort of thing they may want to know. Also spread the rumor around Lowson may be looking to buy slaves. If they think he is a slaver and has extra cash, they may strike tonight. Window of opportunity and all. Let our underground contacts know this as well.” He smiles. “And if they need the money cleaned, we will be willing to do that.” He finishes and closes the call with a wave of his hand. Killing him may be easier then he thought.

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