Making Dogs Bark

Harelquin turned to face Luna. A flash of movement and he was sitting cross legged on the bar besides her.

"You look upset my sweet. Was it something I said?"

"What do you want?" Tiella growled as she stepped toward him dagger drawn.

"Still carrying that nasty little toy I see. Balar you should really ditch the half breed and go for a younger pure blood like little loony here.. you don't mind if I call you that do you my dear?"

He blew her a kiss and with a flash appeared before Balar.

"Time to pay the piper, I'm calling in old debts."

Balar looked ready to argue and then visibly sagged as he lowered his axe nodding.

"No." Tiella cried, but it was clear from the look on Balars face that there was no way out.

"Delicious." Harlequin proclaimed as he clapped his hands together, "I would like you to find some friends of mine and then I would like you to kill them."

"Why don't you kill them." Tiella snapped, and Harlequin roared with laughter.

"Oh my dear you haven't changed, why have a dog and bark yourself!"

He turned back to Balar, "I take it the little lady will come along, but you need help. These friends of mine are nasty, real nasty. You." He turned to point at Majvoc, "I like the cut of your jib young man, name your price." He flipped the golden coin towards the confused theif and then turned to face Luna,

"And you my sweet girl, how would you like to meet a real dark elf? You will have to kill him of course but I am sure you could learn all kinds of delicious things in the process."

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