
Harlequin grew suddenly serious as he turned to face Luna. The colours of his clothes and skin shifted once more, this time to a sickly green that matched the firelight, laced with black.

"You have some talent I see. Raw, untrained. I could help you with that..." He considered her for a moment, his head cocked to one side, "No? no i suppose not."

He walked towards her, "I see we got off to a bad start. Let me restate my offer in terms that may be more acceptable to you. I require three things my sweet. One.." he checked them off on his fingers as he spoke, "You follow my pet dog here and keep him alive." He motioned to Balar who was staring at his feet, the axe limp in his hand.

"Who is this man." Luna hissed towards Tiella.

"He isn't a man." Tiella hissed back, "If we live through this I will explain."

"Two!" Harlequin continued, "You allow him do whatever needs to be done to complete his task."

"And three!" he roared spreading his arms wide, "You! SHOW... ME... SOME RESPECT!" as he spoke the shadows gathered around him and his voice took on a booming echo."

As suddenly as his wrath had exploded it had gone and he smiled wryly. "How did that go, I have been practising in front of the mirror for weeks?"

"Is he crazy?" Luna asked.

"You have no idea." Tiella replied, not taking her eyes off him.

"I am standing right here." He barked as he stamped a foot on the ground, "So where was I yes, three things and you don't have to kill anyone. Now name you price and be quick about it I have business with our light fingered archer over there."

< Prev : Luna Next > : Price