Insanity vs. Logic

Walking down the ramp, staying clear or Mar and Rowan’s line of sight. She said,
“Ripper, I’ll give you a choice. You can surrender or I can stop the machine in you. Which would you like me to do?” She said.

Ripper glared at Quint and seemed to happily tell her to screw off in a rather colorful language before Rowan kicked Ring down to him. The moment it landed before him, knocking against his right hand, he grabbed onto it. "Wake up, old friend..." He grunted as his lungs began to function once more.

"This is your lucky day... It seems everyone here is more interested in sparing your life. Normally I would kill you... I should kill you because I am beginning to understand just what you did to that girl... I won't give you a choice, however. No, you won't surrender." He gripped his lightsaber tighter. "Run away, and carry this warning with you. If you dare pursue Ghost, my padawan, or anyone else here, I will not be so merciful next time... I will do everything in my power to grant you the most painful death I can visit upon you... So do not sully my eye with the sight of you ever again... Do we have an understanding?"

Getting to his feet, dragging Ring up with him, he stared at Mar with an arched brow. "No, we don't." He seethed and grabbed for his double bladed sword that was still at his back. Pulling it free, he gripped onto it tightly while trying to get Ring to move again. His green eyes kept glancing back up the ramp, half expecting Rowan to return faster than expected. "I won't stop. Can't, actually."

That tiny bit of logic left in his mind kept telling Ripper to leave, but the insanity had long ago taken hold and was keeping him in place. He was not so afraid of Quint's silent warning as he was over the possibility of being paralyzed for three days thanks to whatever weapon Rowan had gone to retrieve. That did not stop him from keeping an eye on Quint, though.

Why could he not just leave like a smart man would? Ripper could not tell himself, let alone anyone else. "You honestly think I'm the one that damaged Ghost the most?" He asked and stepped toward Mar with the intent to attack again.

Ghost, feeling safer with Rowan and RED-1, followed the Mandalorian. She watched him hunting for a weapon and glanced back at the ramp with concern. "Rowan...what will you do if you stop Ripper?" She asked. "He can't die, so..." Letting the words trail off, she went quiet, too afraid to speak more.

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