More Than Friends

(Takes place weekend of the beach party; Sunday evening.)

"Do you want to go out to dinner tonight? We should have plenty of time between getting back to the dorms and curfew." Matt has asked Courtney in the afternoon.

"Yes, I'd like that." Courtney responded. They'd help Melissa get back to the dorms but figured they could ask others to help her out.

The guest houses would be closed by that evening and most of the students were leaving before then. Courtney asked Sam and Heath to help out Melissa because she ran into them first.

After getting back to the dorms, both Matt and Courtney got ready and then headed to Matt's truck. They arrived at the restaurant; La Costa Mariscos.

The Mexican restaurant had been put in a brick building that used to be used as an ice house in the days when people used ice boxes. The inside was festive with multicolored decorations and tablecloths that went with the Mexican theme without being overdone.

They sat down and ordered drinks; two Cokes and decided to split the sides of Calamari fries and some Guacamole and chips. They also ordered dinner. Courtney got the Las Palmas con Cameron which was grilled filet fish and shrimp with jalapeƱo butter sauce. Matt ordered Salmon with oyster sauce and chipotle butter.

Once their order was placed and the waiter left Courtney said. "Thank you for this but you were so great with, well, everything this weekend I feel like I should be taking you to dinner."

"I'll don't mind helping with all of that."Matt smiled. "But no. You definitely deserve this. I just wasn't sure if you'd be up for it."

"Well, I did manage a nap earlier." Courtney said.

"I remember." Matt had woken her up when she fell asleep in the sun. So, she wouldn't burn.

They discussed a few more things and then their drinks and appetizers came. As they were taking about how good the food was, Courtney seemed to pause long enough to eat something but then said. "I've been thinking. If its not too late; I'd really like to go to the dance with you."

Matt looked at her. "Of course it's not too late." Truth was she could have said yes to the dance a minute before it still wouldn't have been too late. "I'm really glad we'll be going together."

Dinner came and more talk about the beach party, the upcoming auction and the dance. And after dinner and before dessert came Matt excused himself for a moment. He came back a few moments later and said. "I have something for you but before I give it to you I want you to know. It's not a push for us to start dating. I just saw it, in Italy, and it reminded me of you. So, consider it a gift from a friend, for now."

Courtney was handed a box, small narrow white box with a silver ribbon around it. Courtney opened it and discovered the silver bracelet with the charms of DaVinci's mechanical devices. She was surprised not just that he had given her a gift but at the thought that he had put into it. "It's perfect. Thank you or maybe I should say merci B
beaucoup." About the limit of her French was simple phrases and reading most of a French menu. "Can you help me put it on?"

Matt was really happy she liked it and it shown on his face. He helped her put it on. "I'm glad you like."

The two had Flan and coffee for dessert and then, once done, they headed back to the school.

Courtney looked at him. "Tonight was..." She was going to thank him again or say it was great but something came over her and she leaned in and softly kissed him on the lips. It wasn't a long kiss but left them both speechless for a moment. That was all either of them needed to say. They both got out of his truck and walked, hand in hand, back to the dorms.

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