Brotherly Support

Time: Day after the dance

"Please, can you talk to them? Just get them to not decide before you meet my friends." Mel begged her brother.

"You really want to stay, after everything that happened?" Adrian asked.


"I'll try."

Melissa's parents and older brother, Adrian, had touched down earlier that morning. Her sister Valerie was on some trip for one of her classes and wasn't able to come.

Since Mel arrived at their hotel room, it had been over an hour of her parents, brother and her talking about everything that had happened since she arrived at Sakura.

The girl had explained how her friends had tried to help and how they did help. Still, it seemed as if her parents had their minds made up, even before the talk. They wanted Mel to change schools. Mel wanted to stay. Her brother was caught in the middle, which wasn't an uncommon place for the boy to be.

At 17, Adrian stood about 6' tall. He had an athletic build because of all the soccer he played. He was also almost always calm and level headed.

Mel knew it wasn't that her parents were trying to be controlling but they were concerned. Still, the freshman also knew this was the first school she had ever been to that she wanted to stay at. That should count for something, right?

Adrian did go into the main area of the suite, from his room and talked to their parents for several minutes before returning.

"They agreed. I'll give them a report on your friends when we get back." Adrian reported.

"Thanks," Mel smiled at her brother. "Speaking of which, we should get going."

"I call for a car," The call took Adrian mere moments and then they were out the door.

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