Launch Day

Alpha Fornacis System > Novgorod Station > Shuttle Hangar
0700 January 2, 2184

The hangar doors slid open with a soft hiss and Captain Takezou Yoshida, wearing his grey, BM-I regulation flight suit, surveyed the scene within. On the launchpad, in front of the sleek shuttle that would transport the crew to their ship, was a group already assembled, buzzing with a subdued hum of activity that echoed against the metallic walls. Ghost stood panting beside him, taking in the new smells in the room.

Before them stood the old pair of founders themselves, Kenji Mori and Emilia Blackwood, still hanging around, clinging to old age, beyond their golden years by the wonder of countless years in cryosleep.

The captain and his dog were waved over and asked to join the science and engineering teams who had worked on the ship’s design and assembly. Outside, beyond great panes of glass, the CSCSS Nomad hung suspended in space, illuminated by flood and runner lights; a major feat of Blackwood-Mori’s pride and engineering on display.

As the rest of the crew filtered -- more like staggered -- in, the effects of their previous night's meeting and celebration were evident to Yoshida, but the air of anticipation lingered amongst the group of corporate employees, journalists, and spectators.

“Here they are,” said someone from the front. It was as if the crew was the embodiment of Moses, parting the gathering like the Red Sea. Emilia Blackwood stood at a podium and began the introduction.

“Good morning, Novgorod,” she started to a slight applause from the assembly. “We at Blackwood-Mori Interstellar are happy to finally announce the crew of our first Science Exploration Vessel, CSCSS Nomad. They will lead us beyond the frontier as well as into a brand new phase of this company. ‘Unveiling wonders, expanding horizons.’ That is our mission statement, and it is the goal, of this division of our corporation, from this day forward. I give you all, Takezou Yoshida, Captain of the Nomad,” she turned to Yoshida with a smile. “If you please.”

Takezou bowed to the founders and to the crowd and he took his place behind the podium.

"Welcome," he announced, his voice carrying over the hangar's ambient sounds. "Today, we embark on a journey that will redefine our understanding of the universe… satisfy our curiosities... and materialize our dreams. I hand-picked this crew myself. And I have pretty good instincts.”

Chuckles and murmurs resounded from the crowd of onlookers and employees.

“Because, not only did they possess the best skills for the job, but they showed me that true spirit of wonder. That this isn't just a duty, but a labor of love. Yes, even you, Billy.” Takezou winked.

“But before we board the Nomad, we have a few traditions to uphold."

As the captain spoke, the crew began assembling near the shuttle, each member displaying varying degrees of alertness.

"First, let me introduce the rest of our esteemed exploration team," Captain Yoshida continued, gesturing towards each member.

Dr. William Adama, the brilliant xeno-geologist who will unravel the potential material profit for us. Haha!"

There was some nervous laughter from the corpos, (a little too on-the-nose), but the rest of the assemblage found it funny.

"I kid. I kid. Adama will undoubtedly be an asset to our crew, as we must tread on new worlds and study foreign soils.”

Billy smirked as he nodded and made a humble "slow motion jazz hand" gesture. He replied, "Yeah yeah no pressure. However if we make a profit from my findings, it simply means we all get paid. I doubt anyone here is doing this gig for charity. So if there ARE valuable minerals there, I will find them."

Captain Yoshida retained his smirk as Dr. Adama lined up next to the shuttle.

"Povel Vieregg, our technical systems engineer and communications strategist. He'll make sure the uh... lights stay on for us, and our antennae are at the... right angles." He chuckled at his own stupid jokes.

Povel took his place and humbly waved to those spectating. He felt the urge to salute, but refrained since he was no longer active military.

He had a light appreciative smile. It was an honor to have been selected and it meant a great deal more to him than just the job alone. It may have been disappointing for any news reporters, as he didn’t give any witty follow up remarks as his predecessor Dr. Adama.

Captain Yoshida nodded and continued, “Warrant Officer and Chief Medical Officer, Russ Garrett. He’s not just here to mend our wounds, he has already proven to be the glue that will hold us together out there.”

Russ stepped out with a wave for the press and others, "When death smiles at you, The Medical Corps smiles back." It was the slogan they used at times. Russ waved again and stepped back in line.

“Elisabet Maciel. Our corporate liaison. She’ll be keeping us in line with protocol.” Announced the captain.

Maciel smiled at the spectators. "I feel very privileged to be a part of the team representing Blackwood-Mori, I'd like to thank Mr. Mori and Mrs. Blackwood for allowing me this opportunity." She paused and turned to the founders: "Emilia, Kenji - thank you."

Kenji Mori bowed to Ms Maciel and Emilia Blackwood gave a small nod and applause, with a smile that showed she was pleased with the choices of crew members made by both the captain and the board.

Yoshida continued, “Security officer, Master Gunnery Sergeant - Alistair Maddox. He'll be helping Mr. Garrett protect us from potential threats, like raiders or exo-fauna that so much as looks at us funny.”

Alistair gave a salute to the captain. “Ready and reporting for duty, sir. Excited to be on board and keep everyone safe so they may expand what we know of our galaxy and whichever others we reach.” The marine stood at attention in front of the captain. He still knew to be respectful of his superiors, marine or no.

The captain returned a respectful salute to the USCMC E-8 Master Gunnery Sergeant in response to his own.

“Xeno-biologist - Dr. Eldon Blaire. On board to educate and warn us of known exo-fauna, and study the corpses of the dangerous ones after Maddox is finished with them.”

When it was Eldon's turn to speak, he stepped forth and gave the attendees a friendly wave and a smile.

"I would like to express my gratitude for this opportunity to advance our collective knowledge of what lies out there... to potentially alter our very concept of what 'life' means. I'm proud and excited to be a member of this team, and I look forward to the discoveries we will make. Thank you."

The captain smiled proudly and continued, "Ms. Rita Del Ray. If you see her talking to plants, it's harmless. She is our Xeno-botanist, an exo-flora specialist, working on her doctorate."

Rita gave a soft salute to everyone as she was introduced and chuckled. "I don't talk to Plants... I argue with them," she pointed out and shrugged. "Hopefully the plants won't argue back to much."

More laughter from the spirited crowd.

Yoshida was glad his crew had a good sense of humor, he knew they would get along well, "Bringing up the rear... Wearer of many hats. The Nomad's Scout. Engineer. A general auxiliary 'roughneck.' Mr. Calvin Sestero."

Sestero grinned and put a hand up.

"And, of course... we are going to need someone with intelligence on this sort of mission, so I brought along Ghost, here," said Yoshida.

The crowd laughed again, at Yoshida's unending jokes.

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