
CSCSS Nomad > B Deck > Bridge

Povel had been silent and content to listen and appreciate a meal during the meeting. Upon finishing, he cleaned up after himself and informed the Captain he just needed to stop by his bunk real quick to check on something.

At his bedside, Povel checked the server that SAM-iii had installed the systems on earlier. He saw that they were still in the process of downloading, so he would have to wait. His goal was to have it completed though before cryosleep.

Povel made his way to the bridge. The show was about to begin.

The Nomad’s bridge was an impressive, spacious interior that was currently brightly lit. As the crew entered, they immediately observed its grandiose design.

Inside the door was a large semi-circular landing that housed a holographic display table. The Captain stood there with SA-Miii, their arms crossed and eyes focused on a 3D star chart.

“Welcome to the bridge.” said the Captain, turning toward the newcomers. “Take a look around.”

The main area of the bridge sat lower, down a few steps which braced either side of the room. Down here there was a sensor station, a long range communications station, and life support station, two piloting consoles situated at the forward viewport, where the Captain’s many-displayed station stood closely behind and center from which he could get a cursory glance of all systems.

Above the landing was an observatory which doubled as an auxiliary bridge with minimal functions in such an emergency situation that the primary bridge was damaged or open to the vacuum. It could become an air-locked chamber and could be accessed by three points, the staircases to each side or an aft doorway that led to A Deck.

Captain Yoshida approached his station where he dimmed the lights and opened the viewport blast shutters, each section could be separately sealed in case of a breach. There were four in total, forward, port, starboard, and dorsal views. The forward viewport was angled to allow a little bit of an expanded view below.

Novgorod Station could still be seen in the distance out of the port side viewport and the other views took in the vast star field.

Yoshida opened a small, translucent, red panel on his station and grabbed two keys. He tossed one to Povel and the other to Maddox.

“Those are for the server room and armory.”

SA-Miii went and sat at one of the two piloting consoles, already plugging in coordinates and charting the course for the Astryllis-179 star system.

Maddox was excited to get to cryosleep already, but knew that wasn't going to happen for a while. It wass rather usual for the military to take time in cryo pods to get to their destinations while in (what just feels like) a deep sleep. The marine seemed relaxed. Ready for what was to come next with the crew relying on him for protection. He wanted to wait until they left the space port, before checking the armory.

Povel grinned like a kid in a toy shop with a shopping spree. He did a quick look around but eventually gravitated to the sensor and long range communication stations. Analyzing them with the scrutiny of a competing woman looking at a engagement ring, Povel calibrated them based on what he knew they needed and what he wanted to do. He found the controls to surpass his hopes. In addition, they were ergonomic. The Fin was quite pleased and it showed as cycled through.

SA-Miii pressed a button on her console and said, "Novgorod ATC, this is SA-Miii, piloting CSCSS Nomad. Repeat. Nomad. November-Oscar-Mike-Alpha-Delta. Preparing for departure."

"Copy, Nomad. Novgorod ATC, stand by..." there was a moment of static. "Confirming all systems are green for launch. Ok Nomad, you are clear for departure."

"Thank you, Novgorod ATC. All crew, brace for undocking maneuvers. Starting engines," SA-Miii alerted.

The engines of the Nomad hummed to life, a low and rhythmic vibration permeated through the ship's structure. The sound was a melodic symphony of mechanical whirring and deep thrumming, a harmonious blend that resonated even within the bridge. The ambient hum was accompanied by the gentle hiss of air circulation systems and the occasional creaking of the ship's framework adjusting to the initial surge of power.

The bridge itself was bathed in a subdued blue glow, emanating from the array of holographic displays and control panels. Soft, ambient lighting enhanced the atmosphere, casting a calming hue on the faces of the crew members.

"Nomad, maintain departure heading. Safe journey, over."

"Thank you, Novgorod. Initiating sub-light thrusters," said SA-Miii as she engaged the propulsion system.

As the Nomad began its departure, the sensation of movement was subtle yet perceptible. A faint acceleration was felt, akin to a gentle push against the crew, signaling the ship's slow exit from their external docking lane of Novgorod. The hum of the engines gradually transformed into a smooth, constant purr, providing a sense of assurance and stability.

Elisabet could feel the ship almost breathing around her, it felt good to finally depart Novgorod. This mission had felt like it was long coming, everyday she woke up with the thought: not long now. Here it was, finally, like waiting for your birthday and suddenly it was here. She looked around at the crew gauging their reactions.

Through the viewports, the familiar sight of Novgorod Station started to recede, replaced by the expanse of space dotted with distant stars. The ship responded gracefully to the subtle movements of the synthetic pilot's controls and commands, thrusters firing in controlled bursts, steering the Nomad away from the spaceport. The bridge was filled with a quiet anticipation as the Captain and crew members embarked on the next phase of their journey into the unknown.

Garret took stock of holographic displays and the performance of the ship. This was no military ship, but not a bucket of bolts either. Up to this point, most of Garrett's time had been spent before the bridge was in the medical bay and lab area, going over everything there. Making sure everything was to his standards.

With the sensation of movement and acceleration of the ship, Garrett got a smile on his face. It had begun. He looked around the bridge checking on the crew. He grinned as his hands ran over the controls and he started to sing Europe - The Final Countdown. He could not help it and the irony of it all. Garrett knew the Captain would probably tell him to cut it. But what the hell, live a little. Garrett's voice was pleasant.

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