The Bus

JP with Lorem, Omni, Redsword and Cindy

Sung stepped to one side as the Baron entered the room. trying to stay out of the way but stayed close to Elizabeth as always just a few steps away. Acting as her shadow he would blend into the background and watch. He was making his presents almost unknown there with the others.

Lorem blushed and volleyed the compliment back with a giddy smile. She almost forgot about the presentation. “And you may call me Lorem.” She offered a like kind exchange, feeling honored to be on a first name basis with such an innovative and pioneering gnome.

Composing herself, Lorem almost skipped in her movement back to the table. “Yes sir, I am ready for the presentations. If those following along would follow me please.” Lorem went to the first set of blueprints and climbs up the little step ladder provided for her.

She pointed at the difference between the technical drawings and the concept drawings, making sure to show the watercolor renderings first. “You are more than welcome to handle the concept art, but be mindful not to get the technical layouts out of order should you rifle through them.”

The first set of drawings was a bus design for the team. It was a tactical transport vehicle. Equipped with bulletproofing armor and impressive horsepower. The most interesting thing about it was the fact it was submersible. Lorem went to great lengths to show the before and after concept art, as well as how the vehicle transformed into a temporary submarine.

While it’s ability to stay submerged was limited due to a finite air supply, there was an apparatus contained inside and it could utilize reserve oxygen from compressed tanks. It could also be pumped into the aqua suites. If the. Us was close enough to the surface a dual snorkel like funnel could be sent up to retrieve fresh air as well as vent carbon dioxide. There was even a viewing bubble on the top with a periscope.

There was the standard side entrance like a bus, which led to a landing area that could be sealed off and filled with water for coming and going in the deep and a top hatch for when it was in aquatic mode. Using a series of steam powered levers, the wheels could be inflated and deflated for controlling buoyancy. The back converted into a rudder and fan that could be steam powered and also manually rotated, from a bicycle looking seat. It even had illuminating apparatus for use at night or in low visibility situations.

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