OngoingWorlds blog

News & articles about play-by-post games, for roleplayers & writers


What makes a post awesome?

be awesome

The following is an extract from a guide to roleplaying by Kepler Station. I really like it when games & clubs help to educate people and bring them into our hobby of roleplaying! Read More


How to get your character noticed – Make them memorable

orion girl star trek

DavidLast month I posted roleplay advice from Kepler Station’s guide to roleplaying. As roleplaying can be a tough hobby to get into, it’s great when games post useful guides. Another piece of advice posted by Kepler station is the chapter about how to get your character noticed. It might be difficult to make your character stand out, so here’s what Kepler Station’s guide says about getting a character noticed:

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10 rules for simming – from Kepler Station

kepler station banner

I recently saw that the Kepler station roleplay had a downloadable PDF guide for roleplaying, which includes useful information not just for their roleplay, but for everyone. Read More


Announcing the 2014 Squiddie Award Winners!

Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Roleplaying

With the Oscars now conveniently out of the way, it’s time to present our top award for the entire simming and online role playing community: the Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Roleplaying, or more affectionally known as the Squiddies.  For anyone who hasn’t yet read about the award, we present three respective citations annually for Excellence in Role Playing, Facilitating the Community Experience, and Originality and Innovation.

We received 32 nominations this year, and unfortunately, we are only able to present Squiddies to three: one club, one game, and one person.  What a challenge as all of the nominees are deserving in their own right.  So without any further ado, here are the winners of the 2014 Ongoing Worlds Medal for Superior Online Roleplaying: Read More


2011 Tournament of Simulations


Two months and 27 sims later, the best games – the winners of the 2011 Tournament of Simulations – have been announced.

The Federation Sim Fleet (FSF) and the Starfleet Legacy Alliance (SLA), both venerable clubs noted for their chat sims, captured top honors in the chat sim category, with the USS Lionheart of the SLA winning as best Star Trek chat sim, and the Paragon of the FSF named the best Star Wars chat sim.  Starbase 27 of the SLA and the USS Providence of the FSF also earned marks, with Starbase 27 noted as the most creative chat sim, and the crew of the Providence named the best chat sim crew. Read More