Disturbing company

The ship landed between them and the Starbug. It blew sand into their faces as it descended onto the beach. A hatch opened and a fat man squeezed himself out. The team smelled him before they saw him, and had to cover their noses at the foul stench he created. When they saw him a few of them even felt physically sick, he seemed to be made entirely out of armpits.
His greasy eyes scanned the Humans, and he licked his dirty lips. “Oh what have we got 'ere? Lovely clean Humanoids. He sniffed with his bulbous and warty nose. “Smells lovely, I think I'll wear your skin and boil your organs into deodorant.” He pointed a spear with a dirty sock on the end towards Phi. “Starting with you! Hur-hur-hur!”

Cass quickly glanced between her companions in mute astonishment, incredulous that, not for the first time, she was the only one actually carrying a weapon; even Davie, who could normally be counted on packing at least three separate varieties of lethal was just clutching his surfboard and looking somewhat embarrassed, dressed in nothing but a bright smile and his shorts
Sighing angrily, Cass drew her pistol and pointed it in what she hoped was a menacing fashion at the sweating, foetid mass of hairy blubber stood before them
“I don’t think so” she snapped “Nobody's boiling anybody today; so why don't you just smeg off back to wherever it was that you came from?”
The man's gaze swivelled towards her, his eyes widening a disquietingly unnatural degree, showing a sickening amount of yellowing, thread veined sclera
“Ohhhh...” her breathed softly, allowing his thirty centimetre long, red-black tongue to slide from between his pustulous lips and twitch obscenely in the air; his free hand moving surreptitiously inside the filthy looking robe he was wearing
Frowning, Cass glanced at her companions on either side, and nervously adjusted her stance
“So, go on: Smeg off” she snarled, waggling her pistol unconvincingly
The man's tongue slid slowly back into his mouth, the tip circling around over his cracked and oozing lips as his eyes narrowed, his hand, disturbingly, continuing to move rhythmically inside his robe
“Little humanoids” he purred “Always so impetuous; so ...unwilling”
He jerked his sock adorned spear in Cassandra's direction, dropping her to the floor immediately, as whatever neuro-synaptic technology his race had mastered hit her hard, leaving her gasping for breath and writhing, defenceless in the sand, her pistol laying unused nearby
“What the smeg!?” Jay snarled, surging forward alongside Davie, only to be cowed back by a threatening shake of the man's spear
“One wrong move” he smirked “...and she dies this instant”
“You're dead” Jay said simply
“Oh, I don't think so” the fat man sneered, shuffling forward towards Cass to stoop over her “Your kind always make such threats; you always underestimate us Malodorians...”
He favoured the assembled humans with a rotten toothed grin, before returning his attention to Cassandra, laying, still twitching, at his feet
“This one” he breathed, pulling a dripping hand out from inside his robe to wetly caress her cheek “My God, I'm going to enjoy her before she dies...”
He straightened and felled Phi by shaking his spear once more, her limbs twitching in silent agony
“I think I'll have my way with these two to begin with” he purred “And after that I'll come back to work my way through the rest of you"
He paused to look around the group
“Anyone want to object, or shall I just kill you all right now?”


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