Interesting shot.

a spiteful voice rang out across the hall, silencing the chatter…

“YOUUUUU SMEGGGIIINNN' BITTTTCHHH!!!!!” It drawled, at high volume, drunk on jealousy.
It was Jaahday, pointing at Katrina.

Jacky entered the room. He looked at the chaos.

"Look at all this." He said to nobody. "All this mess. I'm never going to understand all this mess. I don't know why I even try."

Jacky dropped his coat and removed his goggles, carefully.

"I was going to be boiled into soup." He continued to speak to no one in particular. "Soup. Boiled into soup. Heh. Heh heh. Soup."

Jacky whipped his goggles as hard as he could in any general direction. They smacked Jaahday very hard in the back of the head.

"Oh. Well." Jacky said.

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