
Outside of the AR suite Artemis would have never been capable of ripping an armored war bear's head off with his feet, but this was fantasy world and he living was every scientist's wet dream....being the pinnacle of mortal existence, Das Ubermensch!

For some reason, Artemis learned German following his transformation. He charged about the battlefield slaying enemies without breaking a sweat, shouting obscenities in German. A group of stormtroopers stood between Artemis and his allies. He gave them a crazed smile. "Go on, do it...." He hissed. The plastic clad men looked at each other, two of them charged at Artemis firing wildly. Artemis punched through one's chest and grabbed the other one as he went to run away, he twisted his head around so that he was looking back at Artemis. Artemis looked back up at the stormtroopers. "I. AM. KROGAN! Wait, shit...sorry. I. AM. UBERMENSCH!" The stormtroopers ran away screaming and crying. Artemis charged towards his allies, who were having just as much success against their enemies, if not more.

Shark Boy was fighting a group of Necromorphs near the edge of the battlefield. Artemis made a few quick calculations and adjusted Das Ubergun. "Mr Jaxx!" he shouted. Shark Boy looked up at the Ubermensch, who fired a green ray at him with Das Ubergun. Shark Boy's agility had been increased 20 fold, he proceeded to tear apart the necromorphs as if it they were tissue paper. Once the creatures were dead Artemis was off to help his other comrades in their fight.

Plisken the White was trying to push back a horde of what looked like Orcs. Artemis supercharged the wizard with a powershot (a mode of Das Ubergun that supercharges magical powers and firearms). Plisken the White, now overcharged and all powerful, smited the Orcs in one fail swoop. The pair then moved forward towards the horizon.

As they proceeded across the battlefield Artemis was knocked off his feet and into a ditch. "Was zum Teufel?!" Artemis exclaimed. He heard demonic laughing. He looked around trying to find the source, but saw nothing and was smacked aside once again. Clueless, Artemis started punching and jabbing in all directions. "What are you!" "I am xorglax the eater of skulls!" a demonic voice announced. That was when it hit him, he didn't believe in demons either! Artemis began to question his beliefs as the demon smacked him around. Suddenly there was a loud thud and the sounds of conflict. Artemis could see a silhouette. He squinted at the shadow until it became was an angel! It was Alex! Artemis wasn't sure, but somehow he believed now. He could also see the demon, whose strength was on par with Alex. Artemis started charging Das Ubergun and lunged into the battle.

Alex tried to push the demon back. Suddenly he felt power surging through his body. He turned his head to see the Ubermensch, now fully aware of his existance, Ubercharging him. "Brother Artemis! I knew you would come around!" The Angel proclaimed. Alex pushed the demon back and in one swift motion, ended his life. Alex approached the Ubermensch. Artemis was dumbfounded. "I don't know what minute I'm staring invisible demon rape in the face and the next I finally believe in angels and god and fairies and....." Alex laughed. "It is because of my actions, and that even though you may not believe in me or god, you learned that we would always be here for you" Artemis nodded. "Now, what do you say we go find this final boss?"


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