It's a beach party!

It was a most unpleasant and turbulent passage through… the ether? The dark witch did not know exactly how such things worked; it wasn’t her area of magic. And it did not agree with her. Cali had not landed on all fours vomiting forth the contents of her stomach turned upend during the exodus. By the gods, if history recorded that Cali had landed on all fours like a dog -- well somethings like a dog were okay, but not retching along the shore of some nameless lake. She took a few moments to catch her breath then crawled forward to the water’s edge where she cupped it into her mouth to rid herself of the lingering taste of bile. The dried blood on her hands started washing off in the water and she quickly scrubbed the red from her pale white hands. Since when had such things mattered to her? Bile and blood were distasteful elements to her craft, tricks of the trade that she’d long since stopped thinking about. She let the surface of the lake settle and looked down at her reflection. She had not seen herself in this new affinity, had not taken the time to look upon herself since…she could not recall the last time she’d bathed properly or scoured the grime from her face or brushed her hair. But that wasn’t true, she’d been brushing her hair when the old Kespin came calling, hadn’t she? Strange, she could barely make out those memories, like they were borrowed from someone else and she’d had to return them. As she looked down into the waters, her clean, straight hair slipped down and floated upon the surface in dark waves - light as air and dark as pitch. She leaned back and the tips of her hair fell into place, dry and smooth.

“Fuck me, that’s odd,” Cali muttered to herself. She clambored to her feet and reached down to brush the sand from her knees, but they were clean. She checked herself over; all of her was clean. What was she even wearing? Maybe it was something Olin had gifted to her. But that didn’t sound right. “Fucking odd.”

<<“Come here, I’ll see if I can remove that spell.”>>

That brought an end to Cali’s contemplations. She turned and marched back to the others, white sand sifting between the toes of her bare feet. “No more spells, moon brat,” Cali called ahead of her. “For fuck’s sake, stop with the magic already. Don’t you think you’ve done enough? You’ve killed Balar’s half-elf wife with your careless control over your pet shadow. Garm,” Cali redirected her attention to the laden wolf, “Bring that dwarf over here and make yourself useful.” Cali looked back at Luna, hands on her hips. “Then you toss aside your staff as if it were a toy. And when it’s drawn up by another you pick a fight with her? Another half-elf, no less. I’m ashamed of you. I’m ashamed for you. Now remove your hand from my Scratti and would you please stop trying to make friends with everyone! You, stranger woman with the long legs and blue skin, please don’t encourage Luna. She has no control over her magic or emotions and unless you feel the need to pay some penance, don’t subject yourself further to her chaotic touch. I’d be happy to open your veins and let the fire out.”

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