Protection from creepers

Jocelyn shrugged again, "I guess, I just don't want to." she said, "I'd not take P.E. if they'd let me." Jocelyn added with a slight scowl. "Never like running. Never liked being watch running, and never like sweating." she said. "I'm not ungrateful that you want to help but it's hard to explain." she said. "But if you want to cut loose and not worry about what the school wants you to do or sports in general, we can talk, but I don't plan to join anything." she said again with emphasis.

JD let out a sigh “I am sorry if I came across pushy. Growing up I saw and was taught if people are not physically fit people die and the missions fails. That you can’t quit because people are depending on you.” He looks at her pausing thinking. “Well that’s what my dad said and taught me. I know you have to do what is best for you and in no way do I think less of anyone that don’t do sports. Everyone has a spot to fill and a skill to give in the team of life.” Watching Thomas stand “leaving?’

“This has been fun. I am going to go shower before the mob gets done. I’ve already got beat up for existing once today and I don’t want to get punished for it happening a second time,” he said as if this is a normal thing.

Thomas smiled at JD and said to Joyceln and the gymnastic girls, “J.D. has been many places and probably has some interesting stories. He seems like a true gentleman that would protect you from any creepers.”

JD smiled, I don’t think anyone going to try to bully you to day. Well not with me around anyways or hope not.” JD looked at the others “ya, I help you guys out if you need it and it dose not need to just be protection from creepers. He says laughing.

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