Submit your 2020… and 2021… and 2022 Squiddie Nominations Today!

It’s time, and also past time, to open the annual Squiddie awards to nominations from the community.
As it turns out, we still need to award winners for 2020, 2021, and 2022. Yes, we’re way behind! Each year, three entities win a Squiddie for their actions and achievements of the prior year. To translate that into English: the 2020 award is for achievements made during 2019, the 2021 award is fore achievements made during 2020, and the 2022 award is for achievements made during 2021. Confusing? We know, and we’re sorry! Of course it wouldn’t be that confusing if we had done these when they’re supposed to happen!
The due date for all submissions is February 15, 2022. If you’re unsure if you should submit your game, a community, or an outstanding person…. Just do it! (Sorry, Nike.) There are a lot of great people, games, and clubs out there, and we want to hear about them.