Surprisingly fleshy

“Excellent” Jay said “This shaft leads to every deck on the ship, assuming the ladders still intact, it should take us all the way to the drive room.” 
“And if it’s not?” Seymour asked 
“We’ll deal with that when we get there, one way or another we’ll be closer to Deck One than we are now…”
<end snip>

They climbed up the ladder towards the Drive room, but it wasn't long before they had to stop in a small enclosure with a hatch above them. This was a standard safety hatch sealing off each deck in case of a hull breech.
Jay opened the metal hatch slowly, and the rusty hinge creaked slightly. “Shhh!” Seymour said loudly, probably more loudly than the creak itself. Jay gave him a death stare, but Seymour quickly looked away, still sucking on his orange lolly.

Peering through the gap, Jay saw several zombies walking past on the corridor above. “Lets just wait a few minutes.” He whispered.
They all stood quietly in the tiny room under the corridor, huddling around the ladder. Jay looked towards Seymour who again quickly looked away, this time folding his arms and turning up his nose.
“What's wrong with you?” Jay asked, then snapped his fingers. “Oh, it's because I destroyed your legs isn't it? Well you weren't using them anyway... AND they were trying to kill you, so I thought you'd be grateful. Is that why you're not mad at me?”
“No.” Seymour said still looking away. “And I'm not mad. I'm embarrassed.”
“What? Oh...” Jay said remembering back to the incident in Holly's control room.
“I had my trousers down and you all saw me. Not one of you had the decency to look away. I'm the Managing Director of the JMC-”
“The long-extinct JMC” Davie chirped up to remind him although Seymour continued.
“-and I don't want be leered at when I'm at my most vulnerable, which happens to be when I'm defecating into the corner of a well-lit room.”
There were a few sniggers.
“ALSO...” Seymour continued. “I don't want you to lose respect for me, a man of my position...”
“Oh don't worry Seymour, that happened a looooong time ago!” Jay laughed.
“...lose respect for me like when I lost all respect of you, Captain Chrysler.” He pointed an accusing finger in Jay's direction.
“What? Why did you lose respect for me? I was a GREAT Captain!” Jay said.
“I saw you... ” Seymour lowered his voice to a whisper. “...I saw you... drink Stella. Out of a can!”

Jay and the others exchanged a few glances. “And?” Said Jay, folding his arms.
“And? Isn't it obvious? Why would a starship Captain drink from a beer can? How can I maintain respect for a man and follow his orders, follow him into battle when he has so much in common with a tramp who sleeps on a park bench? Maybe you've done that too... have you? 'Captain'?”

Jay ignored him and peered through the hatch. “The coast's clear.” Then he pointed at Seymour. “We'll finish this discussion later shall we?”
They climbed into the corridor. It was only a few metres to the next ladder, they were staggered so that someone couldn't literally fall all the way to the bottom of the ship down one single shaft. This was the final ladder to the drive room.
“Hurry!” Seymour shouted as he heard zombies coming towards them, and then glanced several coming around the corner. He hurried after them up the ladder. “I think that's my cleaning lady, she's probably extremely annoyed that I told her to re-iron my underpants while everyone else was rushing into stasis.”

The cleaning lady grabbed his foot with a grotesque hand that had 3 million year old meat hanging off the bones. He kicked and the arm flew off and fell down the shaft, hitting her on the head and allowing Seymour to shin up the ladder with the rest of them.

Where: Drive room
When: A few minutes later

The Blue Dwarf's drive room was in a tatty state. Cobwebs hung over all the controls, and thick piles of dust covered the shiny glowing buttons.
“Okay, lets reboot Holly.” Jay said.
Cassandra turned on one of the computers and pinpointed the remaining simulants. “They built their zombie device in an engineering room next to the one flooded by water. From here I could open the door and flood them, it'd kill them and destroy their machine.”
“Do it.” Said Jay.
“Okay I just need to use that keyboard over there-” Said Cassandra, but before she reached the computer, a plexiglass wall dropped in front of her.

The glass wall had dropped from the ceiling and was part of the Emergency Driveroom Division (EDD). This was an emergency procedure to prevent the entire Drive Room from being uninhabitable if one of the large windows became broken. The EDD had trapped the team in one half of the Drive room. The only person on the other side, the side with the exit was Seymour. And he'd just taken his finger off the EDD button.

“Seymour?” Cass said, watching as Seymour stood motionless.
After a short while, he spoke. “I've been thinking.” He said, his voice muffled through the glass but still audible. “Those legs of mine were in quite good condition, to say they're 3 million years old...”
“They were probably sealed in the medical bin after amputation, it's airtight. Isn't it?” Cass turned to Phi who nodded.
“And sterile, so no germs either. Just ickyness.”
“But they were damaged beyond repair, they were nothing but stumps...” Seymour said. “And I saw those zombies... they shouldn't have been so fleshy... they've had 3 million years to decompose...”
“They were sealed in a vacuum, no air!” Jay said, and started banging on the glass. “Seymour just open up this door and we'll talk about it.”
“Talk about what? Destroying the only machine that could give me my legs back?” Seymour said. “I want my legs back.”
“You want zombie legs? Think about what you're saying!” Said Jay.
“There might be a way by jove!” Seymour said. “You all just sit tight and I'll go reason with the Simulants. I'm sure they're actually nice guys, they're just misunderstood.”
“Seymour that's crazy!” Shouted Cassandra, but Seymour was already turning away and leaving the Drive Room.

<OOC – An unexpected betrayal eh? How are you going to get out of the plexiglass trap? Can you reset Holly from there? Maybe you can reason with Holly/Diablo? Will you come after Seymour to stop him, or flood the Simulants out before he gets there? >

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