D'Urine Pour Homme

<OOC – Thanks Andy for the SOTM, and welcome back John B!>

Seymour watched in frozen terror as the disgusting creature in front of him loomed over the two women at his feet. He looked as excited as a prisoner who'd just been given a brand new porno.

Seymour wasn't the hero he wanted to be. He tried to shout out a warning at the creature but found that his voice cracked and squeaked, possibly because of the stench coming from the large pervy armpit.

Seymour had an idea, but didn't realise how effective it'd be. He reached into his pocket and his fingers fell on the glass bottle of some expensive cologne. It was an called 'D'Urine Pour Homme' and had become his favourite ever since he'd been given it as a present by Queen Brittany. His original plan was to spray the creature with just a few squirts, just so that he could think straight. He sprayed once, and the creature leaped back in horror.
“Whut was that?!!” It demanded, then jumped closer to Seymour, who sprayed again into the creature's face. It squirmed and cried out in pain.

“Nice one, keep squirting!” Cass and Jay shouted.
“No! Do you know how much this costs? It might be the last surviving one in the galaxy.”
“Just do it!” Jay demanded, so Seymour sighed and sprayed again, catching the creature on the back of the neck as it was already cowering. It screamed and ran back towards the ship, stepping over Phi and Cass who were helping each other to their feet.

It was at that moment that something else happened. Earlier, Seymour had been fixated on the nearby island getting closer towards them. It happens that this turned out to be true, and now very slowly, the island was raising out of the water, revealing a giant stoney face. It raised itself even further, tipping the volcanic island aside as it stood up out of the water.

“What the hell is that?” Seymour asked, even though nobody else had any clearer idea than he did.
Standing at full height now on two legs, the creature looked like some sort of giant turtle, it flexed it's arms, and turned a stony head towards them on the beach.
It angled it's head down and lurched forwards, slamming its fists into the sandy beach.

“Run!” Jay shouted and they all headed for the tree line where the Starbug was parked. The giant creature kicked the Malodorian's ship, just as the foul-smelling one had climbed back aboard. The craft spiralled through the air and landed in front of the Humans, temporarily cutting off their direct route to the Starbug.

Bruised and scratched, the Malodorian climbed partially out of his ship and watched as the giant raised itself up on two legs again, preparing to slam both fists down onto the alien's craft.
“Help me... please.... I'm sorry... I was just so loooonely.” The Malodorian said pathetically.

Feeling the dark shadow of the creature above, the Humans looked at each other. Should they save the creature or just leave him and get back into the Starbug?

<OOC – Just thought I'd pop in a moral dilemma here, do we save the guy or let him die? What would your characters do?>

< Prev : Odourus Times Next > : A considered response