Your name is what?

“Oh hello guys!” Said the familiar voice again, this time in the radio inside their helmets. They all looked to see another figure in a modified spacesuit, with the fish people standing at either side of him.

<end snip>

"Who the bloody heck is it?" said Phil, his sight not fully restored and had been talking to a lamp for the last 5 mins, thinking at last Justin had shut up and was letting him get a word in edge ways. He was still worried about those left on the station,but it looked like the fire had been put out. Of Course being blind he wound't be able to see much for another day or two.

"Efof Y'wanker" said Seymour, in a bit of shock.

"Right I'm gonna deck you for that," and Phil swung his fist, missed Seymour by miles and in fact connected with a bulkhead. Then he fell over.

"Gahahah fraking dumpty-doodles!" Phil was in such much pain he forgot how to swear properly.

"No's me Efof..I got woken up a year earlier then the rest of you. Got a bit bored following the hologram guy around and watching what he got up to, then found my self down on these lower decks..Where i met these guys," he indicated to the Fish-people next to him

"What are their names..Don't want to be rude.. I'm assuming you can communicate with them?" remarked Seymour in full ambassador mode.

"Yes, sort of.. I can understand them, but they cant speak our language, so I'll have to translate. Well this chap is called Captain Birdseye and this fellow is John West. Their species name is..well not really translatable so I have called them Aquanauts...and they need our help."

"Why's that" WW asked as Phil was now looking at the wall and Seymour was trying to hold his breath.

"Well there is one group of them who have gone mad after exposure to some weird squid..and now .." Efof stopped and looked at the one he called John West, who gurgled something

"Ok I'm telling them...One group has gone mental, the Aquanauts are a peaceful race and this shames them to bring down this..well I suppose he called a pirate in our language"

"What is rapscallions name?"

"Captain Pugwash"

At this point Phil started laughing so hard he fell over again.

<<tag, hope this what you was after Onion>>

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