Characters in this post

View character profile for: Seymour Niples

View character profile for: Jay Chrysler

View character profile for: Delphine 'Phi' Moreau

View character profile for: Jacky Kong

View character profile for: Thomas Plisken

View character profile for: Jaxx/Bif Biggles (Away)

View character profile for: Dr Jade Black
The crashed Drive-Room
Posted byPosted: Mar 30, 2013, 8:33am
<OOC - Sorry for not posting in so long!>
Seymour wasn't enjoying his time on this planet. The temperature was far too clammy, and living outdoors and eating scraps of small monsters they'd found wasn't his favourite pastime.
He greeted the newcomer with slightly more enthusiasm as he had the others, mostly because this one was a Doctor. “Dr Black, as some point can we discuss options to heal my... problem.” He pointed down below his waist.
“Sorry sir, but I'm not well studied in impotence.”
Seymour gasped, and almost fell backwards in his wheelchair. “That is absolutely NOT a problem! How dare you! I meant my legs of course! Dr Moreau here hasn't even tried to cure my disability.” He shot an evil glance at the brunette junior doctor.
“Well I can't exactly grow you some new legs” Jade said in her Irish accent. “But there are prosthetic alternatives of course. But I've heard that technology doesn't work on this planet, is that right?”
Jay nodded. “We found a piece of technology in one of the caves, it's stopping everything with a power source work. The Starbug, our weapons, Jaxx's nanobots, nothing works.”
“Except my pistol!” Said Jacky, pressing the trigger and hearing a disappointing click. “Oh yeah but it's out of ammo.”
Jay gathered the group around to discuss finding and rescuing Cass, and Seymour wheeled himself over to Alex, who was crossing his arms and finally feeling self conscious about being semi-naked.
“Err, Alex old cum where have you been? I've needed you to wheel me around. It's jolly challenging to push myself over this rough ground you know.”
“Oh yeah well there was this waterfall, and then a dinosaur.”
“Yes, well...” Seymour said, completely dismissing anything Alex said. “I was wondering if you'd mind awfully building me a lovely structure.”
“What do you mean?” Alex said.
“Oh, just something two storey, with a window and a tidy picket fence.”
“You mean a hut?”
“Yes, you could call it that. Although I'd prefer 'classy jungle dwelling', or 'town house'. It's getting so tiresome having to live with everyone else, I'm used to my home comforts and my privacy you see?”
Alex winced.
“So what I wondered if if you just knock me up something. It doesn't have to take long. Just something to sleep in, with a door, and a window, and a bathroom, yes it has to have a bathroom, with interior plumbing. A flush toilet is a must. That sort of thing. It doesn't have to be too elegant.” he paused. “Although yes, yes it does have to be elegant. Can you do that?”
Alex put his hand to his freshly shaved face. Seymour didn't seem to realise how long this would take. “I... uhh... I think you might be expecting a bit too much.” Alex said carefully, and not wanting to anger the Ambassador.
“Too much? For me? What do you mean? Don't I deserve the best?”
Alex winced again. “The thing is, creating a 2-storey house in the jungle out of just wood and bamboo...”
“Who said anything about bamboo? I want it to be made from brick and mortar.”
Alex looked around. Where would he even get brick and mortar from?
“Surely this is jolly easy for an accomplished Engineer as yourself? You could use that pet dinosaur you mentioned to reach the roof.”
“Or, I have just had a brilliant idea!” Seymour said, his eyes wide with excitement. “We could clad the roof with dinosaur leather. That would be the height of opulence! Wait... why are you walking away?”
“I'll make you a house dude!” Said Jaxx, baring his shining shark teeth.
“Absolutely no way!” Seymour shot back. “I do not trust the architectural skills of a madman who can't decide who he is from one day to the next.”
“I could get my friend to help. He's a giant squid!”
Seymour took a deep breath. “Exactly. Madman!”
Nearby, Plisken stepped in. “If all you want is a roof over your head, the drive room crashed only a short walk from here.”
“I jolly well thought it was destroyed?” Seymour said.
“Yeah it came down with a bit of a smash, but it's mostly intact.” He said.
Hearing the conversation, Jay stepped over. “Actually that's a good idea, we might be able to salvage some things.”
“There might be an emergency medical kit.” Said both Phi and Jade simultaneously.
Plisken pointed into the forest. “Follow me”
“Push me!” Demanded Seymour. Reluctantly, Alex turned around and started pushing his wheelchair.
“Surely we just have to follow the path of destruction.” Said Jay, looking at the increasing amount of felled trees, and a gouged path across the landscape towards a crumpled mess of painted blue metal.
The ground had been churned up badly by the crashed section of the Blue Dwarf, where it had slid through the forest. Alex struggled to push Seymour up the side of the soil crater.
“Here, let me dude!” Said Jaxx, flexing his muscles, and pushing Alex out of the way. “Wait, wait! Not so fast!”
Jaxx pushed Seymour up over the apex, and down towards the crashed drive room at great speed. “Stop stop!” Seymour shouted, fearing Jaxx has lost control. Twisted and damaged metal stuck out from the remains of the Blue Dwarf's control room, and Seymour's wheelchair was heading towards it. One particular sharp spike was just level with Seymour's neck, and Jaxx tugged the wheelchair to a stop just before it sheered Seymour's head from his body.
“Lunatic!” Seymour said, after he got his breath back from the shock.
Jaxx just grinned, and swaggered into the open door of the Drive room, followed by Plisken.
“The power's off.” said Plisken. “Strange, it was on when I left it. Justin Pancake was stood right here... with that pervy grin on his face as usual.”
“Everything loses power here.” Said Jay. “Remember?”
The room was a mess, broken roof tiles fallen onto the desks, and office chairs fallen over and strewn around the room. Wires hung out of the smashed computer consoles that lined the edges of the room.
Seymour entered, and sidled up alongside Jay, who was stood looking around, his eyes fixed on the broken door to the Captain's office, with debris spilling out. “I used to spend so much time here.” He said.
“The skutters can build us a new one.” Seymour said. “They've done it before.” He paused. “Maybe they can even improve it with better upholstery on the chairs. Perhaps... dinosaur leather?”
“No!” Said Alex from across the room. He was pulling out the emergency medical supplies, the size of a briefcase. He slid it across a dirty deck towards Dr Black. “Is this any good?”
She popped it open. “Seven plasters and a tube of bonjella. Lets hope I don't have to preform open heart surgery on anyone.”
<Tag – Is there anything else here that we can use to find and rescue Cass? Yes/No? Then let's go and get her! Also let's see about disabling that thing we found that stops technology working>